Request Alumni Support for Events, Projects, and Initiatives

The UPEI Alumni Association and Alumni Engagement Office appreciate the opportunity to support events, projects, and initiatives on-campus and within the wider community. Unfortunately, we are unable to support each and every request that is received, so we give priority consideration to those requests which:

  • nurture and strengthen the bonds between the University of Prince Edward Island and its alumni
  • provide opportunities for alumni and/or future alumni to build relationships with each other
  • raise awareness of the Alumni Association on campus or within the wider community

If you would like to request support for an event, project or initiative which meets the criteria above, please complete this form 4–6 weeks in advance of the needed date.

Who is the primary audience of your event/project/initiative?
What type of support are you looking for?

Protection of Privacy ‐ The personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of Section 31(c) of the PEI Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be protected under Part 2 of that Act. It will be used for the purpose of identifying appropriate support projects. Direct any questions about this collection to the UPEI Department of Development and Alumni Engagement -