This Campus Notice is more than 6 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.
NEW Clubbell Yoga
Posting Date(s)
A four class Clubbell Yoga Class with fitness instructor Wendy Chappell will take place on Mondays 7:00 am - 7:45 am, April 9 - 30. Clubbell Yoga Conditioning (CBYCon) Class begins with a yoga flow warmup, moves into a conditioning segment with both bodyweight and clubbell (weighted) movement patterns to prime the neurologic and neuromuscular systems, and ends with a weighted and then unweighted yoga flow. Dynamic flexibility and strengthening of all your core stabilizers are integral to the workout, building and enhancing your motor control. Yoga experience not required. Fee: Sports Centre members $23.50 + hst, Non-members $30 + hst. Please pre-register with payment at Panther Central Desk before April 9.