Accessibility Services - Requesting Accommodations
It's September, which means it's time that all students register once again with Accessibility Services for the Fall 2018 semester. Remember that we do not carry over registrations from one semester to the next; therefore if you would like to continue to receive classroom accommodations, testing and exam accommodations, and supports from our area, you must register with us every semester.
If you are a returning student to Accessibility Services, all you need to do to re-register for your accommodations is complete this form found on your myUPEI homepage. If you need to review, change or discuss accommodations for the upcoming semester, you can request a meeting through this form, or by calling 902-566-0488, or emailing to make an appointment with a member of our team.
If you have never registered with Accessibility Services before and would like to, please call 902-566-0488, or email to make an appointment with a member of our team. Be advised that medical documentation is required to register with Accessibility Services.
Please complete any of the following forms if they apply:
Request a note taker:
Request alternate forms for textbooks (pdf/audio):