Reminder! It's Moving Time: Student Experience Hub at Dalton Hall
UPEI is aligning functional areas that are related to student affairs and the recruitment/registration process into the recently renovated Dalton Hall—our new Student Experience Hub! Student Affairs, Accessibility Services, the Mawi'omi Student Centre, and Recruitment and First-Year Advising Office and International Student Office were relocated in stages during the week of October 1. Starting Tuesday October 9, at 8:00 am, the remaining offices will move as follows:
1. Registrar's Office (from Kelley Memorial Building to Dalton Hall, 3rd floor)
2. Student Financial Services (from Kelley Memorial Building to Dalton Hall, 2nd floor)
3. Student Awards and Financial Aid (from Kelley Memorial Building to Dalton Hall, 2nd floor)
4. Work Integrated Learning and English Language Centre (from Robertson Library to Dalton Hall, 2nd floor)
5. Office of Study Abroad and International Collaboration (from Don and Marion McDougall Hall to Dalton Hall, 3rd floor)
There will be no disruption in services, however, we ask for your co-operation and understanding as we move files and equipment from various buildings to the Student Experience Hub. We will provide more specific updates as required on Campus Notices. You can subscribe to receive them by clicking here.
Learn more about what services and supports are available at the Student Experience Hub.