Together Towards Equality: Local and Global Efforts to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals (International Development Wk 2019)
The Atlantic Council for International Cooperation invites you to participate in Together Towards Equality on Wednesday, 6 February 2019(9:00 am – 4:00 pm). As part of International Development Week, the ACIC celebrates achievements of Canadians in furthering the Sustainable Development Goals, both locally and globally.
Highlights include Prayer by Elder Dr. Judy Clark, Welcome address by Jennifer Sloot, Executive Director, ACIC-CACI, and opening remarks by The Honourable Antoinette Perry, Lieutenant Governor of PEI.
Speakers are Dr. Jennifer Taylor, Dr. Ali Ahmadi, Dr. Josh MacFadyen,Ted Grant, Jane Ledwell, Jillian Kilfoil, Ouma Cuniah, Erin Mahar, Dr. Olive Bryanton, and Cassidy McKellop. They will talk about complex issues that require holistic approaches informed by diverse voices working together across sectors, disciplines, and borders.
Where: Atlantic Veterinary College Atrium (AVC 285N), UPEI
Who: Everyone is welcome. RSVP by Friday, 1 February
Free event! Lunch and snacks will be served.