UPEI Faculty Recognition Night April 24, 2019
Come celebrate your fellow colleagues' Academic Achievements at the Faculty Recognition Night on Wednesday, April 24th, 2019 @ The Culinary Institute of Canada (2 Sydney Street, Charlottetown) 6:30 pm reception, 7:00 pm dinner.
Faculty Association Award Recipients for 2018-2019 are as follows:
Hessian Recipients:
Charlene VanLeeuwen (Sessional) Science/Applied Human Sciences
David Hickey (Full-time) Arts/English
Jennifer Taylor (Full-time) Science/Applied Human Sciences
Scholarly Achievement Recipients:
Bishnu Acharya - Engineering
Collins Kamunde - AVC/Biomedical Sciences
Outstanding Service Recipients:
Ann Braithwaite - Arts/Diversity & Social Justice
Shannon Murray - Arts/English
We will also be celebrating the following Faculty Association Retirees:
Mian Ali - Arts/Economics
Tim Goddard- Education
Debra Good - Business
Stephen Howard - Science/SMCS
Gregory Irvine - Arts/Music
James Kemp - Science/Biology
P.Jeffrey Lewis - AVC/Path&Micro
Geoffrey Lindsay - Arts/English
David Seeler - AVC/Companion Animals
Ticket Prices: Member $30.00 (members' guests $30.00 each) Non-member $55.00
* Registration through the FA Office, upeifa@upeifa.org * TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE for purchase & pickup from Heather or Kate in the FA OFFICE. Stop in during the hours of 10:00 am - 12:00 noon OR 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm. Duffy Science Centre (DSC) Room 415
*Cash or Cheque (made out to the Faculty Association)*