Arts Equity and Inclusion Reading Group is starting up!
To continue its ongoing work of encouraging the campus community to expand its thinking about equity and inclusion, the Arts Equity and Inclusion group is now starting up a reading group! Our focus is to think broadly about what terms like equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) mean in our work at UPEI, both in the classroom and outside of it. For our first meeting, we’ve selected a chapter by Dr. Malinda Smith from her co-authored book The Equity Myth, “A Dirty Dozen: Unconscious Race and Gender Biases in the Academy.” As you know, Dr. Smith was a speaker on campus last semester, and starting with her is a good way to return to some of the issues she raised then. The library has a copy of the book, but we’ve also put a PDF of the chapter on a shared Google folder, at: (accessible to anyone with a UPEI email address; we’ll be putting future readings in the same folder). Take a look, grab a colleague, and come join the conversation on Wednesday Feb 12, at 3:00pm, in Cass 305. Everyone welcome!