IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast
Please join Dr. Nola Etkin, Interim Dean of Science, at the IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast on February 12 at 7:30am at Smitty's Restaurant at 449 University Avenue. This year’s theme is “Building Bonds to Create Future Leaders".
Scientists from around the world are invited to participate in the IUPAC 2020 Global Women’s Breakfast (GWB2020). This global event will be held on a single day, February 12, 2020, one day after the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The overall purpose of GWB2020 is to establish an on-going virtual network where women in the chemical and related sciences can connect with each other in a meaningful way to support their professional aspirations. The theme for GWB2020 is “Bonding to create future leaders” with a focus on leadership development. Women and men from all types of educational and scientific organizations from high schools to universities, to scientific societies, government and industry organizations are welcome! Please join the conversation with others around the world by using the Hashtag #GWB2020.