MMS Seminar Series - Amin Babaeighazvini
Please join Amin Babaeighazvini for his Molecular and Macromolecular Sciences Seminar Program presentation entitled "Development of “green” nano-composite films based on starch/tunicate-based/plant-based nano-crystalline cellulose exposure to a magnetic field: Physicochemical and mechanical properties"
Abstract: In this study, the effects of two different types of nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) and the exposure of a magnetic field (MF) on the physicochemical and mechanical properties of starch/NCC films have been investigated. Permanent Neodymium magnets (≈1.4–2.8 T) were employed to control the alignment of NCC within the starch matrix, resulting in improved physical and mechanical properties. High aspect ratio tunicate sourced NCC, showed much better physicochemical properties as compared to the low aspect ratio plant sourced NCC. This orientation and alignment is supported by Raman data and SEM micrographs. By tracing the intense Raman peak at ≈1095 cm-1, we confirmed the purposive orientation of the NCCs in the starch matrix.
Everyone is welcome to attend.