Reminder: Arts Equity and Inclusion reading group is going virtual!
Equity and inclusion continue to be important emphases to our work in the university, no matter where or how we’re doing that work -- and the Arts Equity and Inclusion reading group is not letting physical distancing stop us from continuing that conversation. So – we're meeting online -- and sending another reminder so you have time over the weekend to read the chapter. For our next reading group meeting we’ve selected chapter 4, “Universal Design,” from Academic Ableism: disability and higher education, by Jay Dolmage. The library has the ebook, and we’ve downloaded the chapter into our google folder too:
We’ll be meeting via Zoom, on Tuesday, May 12, at 11:00am. Please send an email to Andrew Zinck, at so he can add you to his invite list for this event.
Hope to see a lot of you there!