UPEI - IMDEA Virtual Seminar on 3D Printing of Metals
Dr. Teresa Pérez Prado, Deputy Director of IMDEA Materials Institute in Madrid, Spain, will be giving a talk via Zoom on 3D Printing of Metals at noon on Monday, July 13, 2020.
Additive manufacturing (AM), or 3D printing, of metals is one of the key technologies powering the Industry 4.0 revolution and allows for a significant reduction in weight, freedom of design, component customization, cutback of lead time facilitated by in-house production, and decreased waste. As such, AM is shifting the basis for competition in the fabrication of medical implants and aeronautical components, among others, thus disrupting traditional supply chains.
This talk will address the challenges and barriers to the adoption of metal printing technologies, with a focus on those related to materials. The main AM techniques, as well as the characteristics of the feedstock metal powders, will be described. Finally, the possibilities offered by AM techniques for the design of novel materials with properties that can be tuned at the macro- and microscales (digital materials) will be explored.
All UPEI faculty, staff and students are invited. Please register by July 12 using this link so that we have an idea of how many participants to expect: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/imdea-virtual-seminar-on-3d-printing-of-metals-tickets-110787825368. Zoom joining details will be emailed to you upon registration.
For further information please contact kmay@upei.ca.