Master of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering Thesis Defense: Jordan Torrealba
We are pleased to announce the Master of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering (MSc-SDE) Thesis Defense of Jordan Torrealba.
Title: Autonomous Cell-Based LiFePO4 Battery Management System for Solar Photovoltaic Applications
Date: Monday, July 27, 1:00 to 4:00 PM
Abstract: This thesis documents the development of a novel lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery management system (BMS) intended for solar photovoltaic power system applications. While lead-acid battery systems are often implemented without a BMS, lithium-based battery systems require a BMS to provide two critical functions: cell protection and balance. The proposed innovative BMS approach aims to enable lithium batteries to be installed in low-voltage autonomous building blocks and treated much like traditional lead-acid battery banks connected in series and parallel configurations. Particular attention is paid to realizing a lithium-based approach that implements a low-cost, high-current protection mechanism and emulates the natural energy-dissipating balancing behaviour of unmanaged lead-acid based cells.
A novel BMS architecture was proposed, simulated, built, verified and tested. The BMS implements a noncommunicating and heat dissipating cell balance architecture combined with a low-cost fuse-based cell protection mechanism. The novel BMS system concept is ultimately prototyped in the context of a full-scale 6 V nominal, 220 Ah (2S59P layout of 3.8 Ah/12.16 Wh 26650 LFP cells) battery in the GC-2 form factor providing a functional initial prototype at a commercially viable scale.
Jordan is supervised by Dr. Andrew Swingler.
The presentation and examination will be presented via a web conference. Please RSVP with the FSDE Graduate Studies Coordinator and Chair of the Defense, Dr. Amy Hsiao, at for the information to connect if you wish to attend, by Monday, July 27, at 10:00 AM.