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Robertson Library Reopening

Posting Date(s)

The planned reopening date for the Robertson Library building is Tuesday, September 8. The Library Service Desk will be open from 8:00 am-6:00 pm, Monday-Friday, and from noon-5:00 pm on weekends. Our live chat virtual reference (VRef) service will be available from 9:00 am-9:00 pm on weekdays, and from noon-5:00 pm on weekends. 

In reopening our building, the Library is following the guidance of the University’s Operational Ease-Back Plan, especially with regard to physical distancing requirements and provision for enhanced cleaning. As a result, there will be significant changes to how our facility operates, and further information on these follows. We regret the impact these changes will have on the Library’s welcoming, “open door” traditions, but please know that our commitment to helping and serving you has not changed. Your patience and understanding as we work to keep the Library a safe space for all will be greatly appreciated; we will also be pleased to hear your comments and questions, and will work to address these wherever possible.

Library Operational Changes -- Fall 2020

Some of the key reopening measures that will be in place include: 

  • Pre-booking will be required for all study spaces and computer workstations within the Library; study rooms formerly available for group use will now be bookable for use by single individuals only. Further information and booking forms will be posted on the Library’s COVID-19 Ease-Back page prior to our September 8 reopening.

  • The book and journal Stacks (shelves) located on the Library’s upper level will be closed: the Library is implementing a new Click and Collect service that will allow you to request materials from the Stacks for pickup at the Service Desk. 

  • Print Reserves (short-term borrowing of course readings via the Library Service Desk) will be suspended. In light of evidence that the COVID-19 coronavirus can survive on the covers/pages of library materials for many hours, expert opinion favours “resting” these materials for 72 hours between each usage to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission: in this context, Reserve borrowing is not workable.

  • Everyone coming into the Library will be encouraged to wear a facial covering (mask); during the early stages of our reopening, we plan to provide masks to anyone arriving at the Library without one, while supplies last.

  • Depending on requirements, the Library may need to close during the noon hour to allow spaces to be sanitized.

  • Signage, flex barriers, etc. are being set up to manage the flow of foot traffic through the Library to reduce two-way and intersecting traffic and encourage physical distancing.

  • We recognize that our Island community members value access to the Library’s space and resources, but during September, our students, faculty, and staff must be our priority, given our reduced seating capacity and the need to adhere to health and safety protocols. We look forward to welcoming community visitors back to Robertson Library once the fall semester gets underway, and we have a better understanding of demand. 

These are just some of the changes needed to allow us to reopen safely. Please consult--and continue to monitor--the Library website and social media accounts for additional information and updates.