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2020 Association of Atlantic Universities Teaching Showcase

Posting Date(s)

The theme for the 2020 Association of Atlantic Universities Teaching Showcase is “Build it and they will learn: The importance of community”. This theme is meant to encourage discussion of the many ways that we, as teachers and learners, are builders – including in an online environment.

As part of this theme, we are delighted to have engaged a skilled keynote speaker from outside the region who can discuss creating community within and outside the classroom and engaging all learners. To this end, we are pleased to note that Dr. Pamela Toulouse, 3MNTF, has agreed to be our keynote presenter for our virtual event in the morning.

The series of events begins with the Virtual Teaching Showcase which will be held on Saturday, October 24 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (ADT). This 3-hour event features a keynote presentation and a moderated discussion related to best teaching practices during the current pandemic. If you would like to attend the free Virtual Teaching Showcase, please register here.

Following the Teaching Showcase (and a lunch break), the SoTL workshop (from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. ADT) will be introduced through a three-person panel with the goal of answering the question of “why we should get excited and interested in SoTL?” If you would like to attend the free Virtual SoTL workshop, please register here.

For more information, please contact the regional grant recipients, Angie Kolen or Erin Austen.