SSHRC Exchange Publication Awards – Spring 2021 Call for Applications
The Vice-President Academic and Research will make available up to two awards to support the publication of manuscripts, written or edited by UPEI faculty, by Island Studies Press. These awards are being funded by a SSHRC Institutional Grant, therefore, the subject matter of the publication must be compatible with SSHRC’s mandate (see for more information).
The awards of $5,000 each will be disbursed to Island Studies Press to cover publication costs (including editing, photo and other permissions, design, printing, marketing, and other costs associated with publishing a book). Authors will be offered ISP’s standard publication contract, which ensures authorial copyright and includes a royalty structure. Authors will also see their manuscripts reviewed through a peer-review process where appropriate.
ELIGIBILITY: Manuscripts that are written and/or edited by UPEI faculty (including contract and sessional faculty) are eligible. These may be single- or multi-authored results of academic research projects; textbooks; edited proceedings of a conference; or works of fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, or drama that pertain to the author(s)' discipline. The subject matter of the manuscript must meet SSHRC’s mandate.
Submit documents electronically to Research Services,
For complete terms of reference and application process, please see
Previous recipients of the UPEI Internal Publication Awards are Malcolm Murray, Department of Philosophy, Colleen MacQuarrie, Department of Psychology, Jim Randall, Island Studies, Michelle Evason, Department of Companion Animals, AVC, Lori Mayne, Department of English, and Laurie Brinklow, Island Studies.
For more information on the Publication Awards program, contact Dr. Laurie Brinklow at or 902-894-2881.