Tenure Track candidate Dr. Zelda Knight
Dr. Zelda Knight, Professor of Psychology, University of Johannesburg, candidate for the tenure track position with the Department of Psychology in the Faculty of Arts, will make two public presentations.
The first is a simulated class presentation entitled "Psychodynamic psychotherapy: Understanding the theoretical shifts and basic concepts underpinning the therapy" and will take place on Monday, February 22, 2021 at 1:00 pm AST via ZOOM at the following link: https://upei.zoom.us/j/65574137253?pwd=cmx2Rk9lbDFjYkY1c1JOUHlta0pUQT09
The second is a research talk entitled “In the shadow of Apartheid: Race in psychoanalytic psychotherapy” This presentation will be held on Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 1:00 pm AST via ZOOM, and can be accessed here: https://upei.zoom.us/j/65667164775?pwd=VzBDVkF2WDBMZG93OFdCVWJmQ2hiZz09
All are welcome to attend.