Faculty of Arts ConneXions Seminar Series with Dr. Carlo Lavoie
The Faculty of Arts is pleased to offer the third event in its new ConneXions Seminar Series. Join us on Zoom, Friday, March 26, 2021, at 2:30 pm, when Dr. Carlo Lavoie will present “Acadian Culture and French Language in Prince Edward Island: Towards a Culture of Detour and Relationship.”
Abstract: In this paper, I want to explore the notion of belonging to Acadia considering the preservation of Acadian culture and the French language in Prince Edward Island. It seems that the discourse which has emerged in the past 10 years or so brings us from “une culture du Retour” (Glissant, 1997), that is, a culture based on an interpretation of the past that makes the 1755-1758 Deportations the foundation of the Acadian identity, to “une culture du Détour.” The Culture of Detour is one in which prevails a sense of belonging to the community that is experienced at the level of a relational multiplicity modifying the opposition between the Same and the Other (Paré, 2003).
This opening from the Detour favors a social cohesion experienced daily as a relationship of convenience (Todorov, 1989). This relationship of convenience invites us to rethink the notion of belonging to l’Acadie de l’île according to a new way of narrating oneself. Questioning the Detour and the Relationship thus amounts to questioning the openness to the Other and to a redeployment of community forces favoring the survival of the Acadian culture and the French language in Prince Edward Isla
Zoom link: https://upei.zoom.us/j/61586078663?pwd=RGRjQ2pJTzAxZkI2ckxyU1cvRVJ1QT09
The Connexions Seminar Series aims to foster understanding of the role that the liberal arts play in knowledge and ways of knowing and in making sense of the complexities of the world around us through panel discussions; speakers and research talks; collaborative projects and presentations; symposia and workshops; and reading and discussion groups.