Faculty of Arts ConneXions Seminar Series with Dr. Yuliya Rashchupkina
The Faculty of Arts is pleased to offer the fourth event in its new ConneXions Seminar Series. Join us on Zoom, Friday, April 23, 2021, at 2:00 pm, when Dr. Yuliya Rashchupkina will present “Climate Resilience and Climate Catastrophe Narratives: Is There Any Place for International Solidarity?”
As the negative impacts of climate change become more and more evident, the different narratives around living in a future with increasing temperatures have been established by scholars and international organizations working on the issues of climate change and development. While these narratives are vastly diverse, two groups of discourses may be discerned: one of calamity, disaster and social hardship, while the other is of resilient communities capable of withstanding unprecedented challenges. Dr. Rashchupkina will discuss the limitations of the discourse of resiliency-oriented communities and of the discourse of calamity-unfolding events, arguing that both narratives are limited in their scope and the ability to mobilize actions that will facilitate the revamping of fossil fuels-based major economies and lead to the further enhancement of global justice. She will then demonstrate how the notion of international solidarity, currently overlooked in mainstream solutions to climate change, will help to overcome the limitations of both discourses.
Zoom link: https://upei.zoom.us/j/61586078663?pwd=RGRjQ2pJTzAxZkI2ckxyU1cvRVJ1QT09
The Connexions Seminar Series aims to foster understanding of the role that the liberal arts play in knowledge and ways of knowing and in making sense of the complexities of the world around us through panel discussions; speakers and research talks; collaborative projects and presentations; symposia and workshops; and reading and discussion groups.