Call for Proposals - Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning on the theme "Blended Teaching for Engaged Learning"
The pandemic has encouraged new pedagogical perspectives and possibilities for many educators, including the various ways we can blend in-person and online, synchronous and asynchronous, learning modalities. In the past two years, instructors have adapted their teaching and tried new approaches, often with little time to reflect and prepare. Now with the benefits of a little more time, a few more resources, and far more experience, faculty can create well-design blended courses or programs that centre on students and provide engaged, active, and interactive learning experiences, in both physical and virtual environments. This blended approach can also provide flexible, equitable and more individualized learning opportunities for students. The emerging pedagogies and concepts being developed and explored in blended teaching and learning are leading to innovations that will be vital as we transition to an educational world that combines the aspects of space and time in new and meaningful ways.
The call for proposals closes February 7, 2022. For further details on how to submit a proposal please go to: