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Eye Protection in UPEI Laboratories

Posting Date(s)

On June 1, 2021, eye protection became mandatory in all UPEI laboratories. This includes Containment Level One and Containment Level Two laboratories that manipulate biohazardous materials, and laboratories in chemistry, physics, and engineering that handle materials other than biohazardous substances that could pose an ocular risk. At a minimum, safety glasses that meet the standards and specifications of CSA Standard Z94.3-20 are required. However, if a task presents a higher risk, then the laboratory supervisor is responsible for completing a workplace hazard risk assessment to identify appropriate eye and face protection, as necessary. Please visit Section 4.5 Eye and Face Protection in the UPEI Laboratory Safety Manual on the UPEI website for more information. The definition of "laboratory" is provided on page 3 of the manual.  

For any questions regarding eye and face protection in your lab, please contact the Health, Safety, and Environment Manager, Liz Rostant-MacArthur at or call (902)-566-0516.