Have you been out of province over the holidays?
If you are planning on visiting the UPEI Health and Wellness Centre and have been out of the province, you are required to have already self-isolated and had a negative test for COVID-19 on day 4 of your return to PEI (you will need to indicate whether you had a molecular (PCR) test or rapid antigen test).
You will not be seen unless you have isolated and had a negative test result on day 4 following your trip. Thank you for your patience as we work hard to reduce the transmission of the Omicron variant/COVID-19 virus.
The UPEI Health and Wellness Centre is located on 2nd Floor North, W. A. Murphy Student Centre and is open from 8:30 am–4:00 pm, Monday to Friday (closed daily from 12:00–1:00 pm for lunch). Contact healthcentre@upei.ca or 902-566-0616 for more info.