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Today is Bell Let's Talk Day

Posting Date(s)

UPEI is joining in the 12th annual Bell Let’s Talk initiative by assembling resources and partnering on a number of activities taking place all week. Below are some ways to participate. Read more

Bell Let’s Talk—Virtual Photo Booth

Date: All Week Long 
Time: Anytime
Description: A fun way for students, faculty and staff to create awareness by capturing selfies and sharing a personalized mental health message. Share how you take care of your mental health.
Bell Let’s Talk Day—Join the Conversation!

Date: Wednesday, January 26  
Time: All Day
Description: On Bell Let’s Talk Day, Bell donates 5 cents to Canadian mental health programs for every applicable text, local or long distance call, tweet or TikTok video using #BellLetsTalk; every FacebookInstagramLinkedInPinterestSnapchatTikTokTwitter, and YouTube view of the Bell Let’s Talk Day video; and every use of the Bell Let’s Talk Facebook frame or Snapchat lens.
Bell Let’s Talk—Thought Bubbles & Free Toque!

Date: Wednesday, January 26  
Time: 11 am–4 pm
Description: Share a message, a hashtag, or a resource to help contribute to the mental health conversation! Blank thought bubbles, markers and tape will be located throughout campus, and you are invited to add a message, and hang your bubble. There is no scheduled time, and you may drop by when you can. Please ensure to respect masking and distancing guidelines. Afterwards, pick up a free Bell Let’s Talk Blue Toque! 
Location: W.A. Murphy Student Centre Concourse, Robertson Library Breezeway, AVC Breezeway (Outside the AVC Cafeteria)