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International Development Week 2022: Feb 11 | Poetry, Prose and Print: SDGs Through the Literary Arts

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Join us as we bring together four renowned authors from the Atlantic region. Each celebrated author will share their latest publications and creative narratives on how they experience the world and explore ways to make it a better place. Hear how the authors draw inspiration and what they want to leave as their legacies, while they promote the Sustainable Development Goals in their own unique ways. One book from each author will be given away to lucky winners through a draw of names at the end of the event.

Julie Pellissier-Lush, Poet Laureate for PEI and Knowledge Keeper at L’Nuey, will share from her debut poetry collection, Epekwitk Mi'kmaq Poetry from Prince Edward Island.

Kayla Geitzler, Moncton’s first anglophone Poet Laureate, and host of the Attic Owl Reading Series, will recite from her first book That Light Feeling Under Your Feet.

Jane Ledwell, Executive Director of the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women, will read from her book, Return of the Wild Goose.

Ali Ettarnichi, motivational speaker, international connector, and organizer of global summits, will share from his first book, Just A Cab Driver: My Journey from Behind the Wheel to Behind the Microphone.

Moderated by

Lee-Anne Lavell, ACIC Internships Manager

#IDW2022 #GoForTheGoals