ConneXions Presenters Series: Dr. Kate Scarth (ACLC)

Posting Date(s)
SDU Main Building, Room 320

Dr. Kate Scarth will give a presentation titled "L.M. Montgomery at 150" on November 15, 2024, at 2:30 pm, in SDU Main Building, Room 320.

"This talk will happen on the eve of the 150th anniversary of L.M. Mont­gomery’s birth on November 30, 1874. Given this Prince Edward Islander’s status as an internationally renowned and beloved writer, it is perhaps not surprising that across Montgomery’s life, works, and legacy, births and birthdays are marked with stories—stories told, stories gifted, stories made possible. To celebrate Montgomery’s 150th birthday, I’ll share some of these stories marking births and birthdays from her novels, journals, and from readers and fans (for example, from the project that I’m co-directing with Trinna Frever). I look forward to sharing stories with you in honour of #Maud150!"