Girls Get WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) Challenge Day on Dec. 7

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Girls Get WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) Challenge Day on Saturday, December 7, will cover the topics of science, engineering, math, and technology for female-identifying and gender-diverse individuals in grades K-12 with age groupings of grades K-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12.

The goal is to expose participants to hands-on science activities and careers so that they can make informed decisions about subject choices in future school years. They will participate in hands-on science, technology, and engineering activities led by female faculty and staff from UPEI and STEAM PEI staff. 

The event is a collaboration between Girl Guides, STEAM PEI, and UPEI with financial support from the Fund for Gender Equity, Actua, WISEatlantic, CISE Atlantic, and Engineers PEI.

Students can register at There is no cost for this event, and lunch is provided.