Call for Nominations: 2024 UPEI Founders
UPEI honours its rich heritage and traditions by acknowledging members of the campus community who have contributed to its mission in an exceptional way by naming them “Founders.” View the list of Founders. The University of Prince Edward Island is now accepting nominations for the 2024 Founders.
Recognizing our Founders is an opportunity to honour those who have worked diligently and passionately to build the University into the highly regarded institution of higher education it is today. The award is presented to members of the campus community who have played a direct role in
- supporting the vision, reputation, and continued success of the University, and/or
- creating a new era of educational, research, and/or service excellence at the University.
Active faculty and staff members are not eligible for the award. Typically, two to three nominees are selected each year to receive the designation as Founder by a committee established for this purpose. The recipients will be honoured at a Recognition of Founders Ceremony on a date to be confirmed.
If you wish to submit a nomination for this award, please complete the online form, or email your submission to Emailed nominations should include your name, daytime telephone number, and relationship to the nominee along with the name, address, telephone number, and email address of the person you wish to nominate. Nominations are limited to 500 words in length and should address how the nominee meets the above criteria. Anyone may submit a nomination and past nominations will also be considered.
Completed nominations must be received by Friday, December 6, 2024, at 12:00 pm AT (noon).