Academic Standing: Good, Probation, and Suspension

In May of each year, students receive an email message at their account automatically assigning one of the following academic standings, based on academic performance:

Good Standing: Students are deemed to be in good academic standing if they have achieved a CGPA of 1.70 or higher.

Academic Probation: Students will be placed on Academic Probation if their CGPA is under 1.70 and above 0.49. Academic Probation is a warning to a student that has been below the required standard and could lead to an Academic Suspension.

Academic Suspension: Students will be placed on Academic Suspension if after the completion of 30 semester hours of credit since being placed on probation, their CGPA is below 1.70 AND any SGPA since being placed on probation is below 1.70, OR if upon assessment, a student’s CGPA is below 0.50; they will be placed on Academic Suspension, without being placed on Academic Probation first.

FAQ for Students on Academic Probation
FAQ for Students on Academic Suspension
FAQ for Academic Standing Appeals
Student Supports

FAQ for Students on Academic Probation

Have I failed?

Not necessarily, it is possible to be placed on probation while still having passed all the courses you took this year. Academic Probation is considered to be a formal warning that your academic performance needs to improve.

What happens now?

Along with the official academic standing of "Academic Probation" noted on your transcript, you’ll be restricted to three (3) courses for credit per semester and required to enrol in a non-credit course called the Student Success Program (SSP). If your CGPA stays below 1.7 eventually you will face suspension.

What is the Student Success Program?

It is a non-credit course that includes life skills, study skills and creates connection. You can learn more about SSP by contacting the coordinator, Karen Morse by email at

But my program requires I take more than three (3) courses per term, what do I do?   

Suggested course sequence are just suggestions. You can speak to an academic advisor to make a new plan.

What will happen next year?

At the end of the Winter Semester next year, the Registrar’s Office will review every student’s progress.

  • If upon review at the end of the winter semester your CGPA is over 1.7 you will return to Good Standing.
  • While on probation you must achieve a semester GPA (SGPA) of 1.7 or better or risk eventual Academic Suspension upon review (after completing 30 credits since being placed on probation).

Can I appeal?

You cannot appeal the probation standing but you can appeal the restrictions.

FAQ for Students on Academic Suspension

Why is UPEI doing this?

It’s to protect students – university costs a lot of money and time. By the time suspension is a consideration there is a lot of evidence that the student is not getting ahead in their university journey.  Suspension is a chance to step away and either reconsider option or take care of non-academic issues that are preventing academic success.

I’m an international student, what should I do?

Your suspension will impact your ability to study in Canada, which is a requirement of your study visa – you are strongly encouraged to speak to an International Student Advisor to have a clear understanding of the immigration impacts.

Can I take courses somewhere else?

UPEI will not accept transfer credit for courses taken while on Academic Suspension. Most post-secondary institutions will not accept a student into their program in the year following their placement on Academic Suspension.

Can I keep my summer classes?

Suspension is effective immediately. You will definitely be removed from any courses that haven’t started yet or for which the add/drop date has not passed. Although regulations allow for students to be removed from current courses as soon as notification of suspension are issued, the Registrar’s Office may exercise discretion if the notification is issued near the end of the course dates.

When can I come back?

Students on their first Academic Suspension are permitted to re-apply to UPEI after 12 months on suspension. Students on a second Academic Suspension must wait two (2) full years before being able to re-apply. This process is not automatic and students must re-apply. Students accepted for return to courses after suspension are admitted with the academic standing of "Academic Probation".

What will it say on my transcript?

At the bottom of the marks for the term where Academic Suspension was applied will be the notation, “Academic Standing: Suspension”

Can I appeal or reverse this decision?

Students are entitled to appeal the academic standing of "Academic Suspension". Read the FAQ for Academic Standing Appeals.

FAQ for Academic Standing Appeals

When can I appeal my academic standing?

Completed appeals must be received, in writing, by the Registrar’s Office within 15 business days of the date of the notification of academic standing. Late appeals will not be considered.

For 2024, appeals must be submitted before the end of the day, June 10. Complete appeal packages can be emailed to or handed in at the front service counter on the main floor of Dalton Hall.

Can I appeal based on an unfair grade?

Academic appeal of a grade is a separate process from an appeal of academic standing and the committee hearing appeals of academic standing will not consider grade appeals. Please see Academic Regulation 12 in the UPEI Academic Calendar.

What if I believe my Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) or Semester GPA (SGPA) is wrong?

If you believe the calculation of CGPA is incorrect or a grade was entered incorrectly (e.g., and "80%" entered as an "8") please contact Emily Walsh by email at

What can I appeal?

Academic Probation: The only elements of probation that can be appealed are the restrictions that come with probation (e.g., course restriction and enrolment in SSP). Even if you successfully appeal the restrictions, you will still be on probation and this will be reflected on your transcript.

Academic Suspension: You can appeal your suspension, but if your appeal is successful the appeals committee will likely place you on probation.

Do I have grounds for an appeal?

There needs to be a concrete reason beyond wanting a second chance for the Senate Committee to consider your appeal. (e.g., medical impairment, family or community crisis, harassment or discrimination).

What do I need to include?

  1. The completed Academic Regulation Appeal Form found in the UPEI Forms section of your MyUPEI Student homepage. Please state clearly what you are appealing (e.g., “I wish to have my standing of Academic Suspension reversed” or “I wish for the restriction of 3 courses per semester which is a condition of my probation to be increased to 4 courses”.
  2. A personal statement explaining the concrete reasons why the appeal committee should overturn the matter you are appealing. Make sure you include explanations of how the evidence you are providing supports your reasons.
  3. Evidence supporting your personal statement (e.g., medical documentation, death certificate, investigation reports).
  4. Evidence that the challenges which caused the academic difficulties are no longer a concern or a concrete plan on how you intend to address your challenges in the future and why this plan will succeed given previous results.

*Note: the committee will have copies of your transcript.

Should I appeal?

Making a successful appeal is a lot of work and leaves you in a bit of a limbo as you await results. You may wish to consult with friends and family, with an advocate at the Student Union, or with the people who are supporting you on your university journey. You may wish to consider the following as you think it over:

  • How much consideration are you asking for? (e.g., it is easier to appeal probation with a CGPA of 1.6 than .6)
  • Do the dates of the event supporting your appeal match the dates of your academic difficulties (a car accident in March may not adequately explain why your Fall SGPA was .8).

What help can I get?

For help with advocacy and understanding the process contact the UPEI Student Union Vice-President Academic and External by email at

For help with writing an appeal you can visit the UPEI Writing Centre.

Do I have to be present for the appeal?

No, you don’t have to appear in person, but if you feel it is important to be present you have that right, as well as the right to bring a support person. Make sure your personal statement is complete, well-supported and thorough – this is especially true if you choose to not be present.

Student Supports

UPEI students have access to many support services on campus.

Refer to our Student Supports handout.