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Keep reporting your fox sightings to

| Research

The PEI Urban Red Fox Research Project needs Islanders to keep reporting their sightings of red foxes to Each reported sighting helps us better understand our red fox population, and how it interacts with humans on Prince Edward Island.

Since the launch of in the fall of 2012, Islanders have reported more than 1600 sightings of red foxes. With this valuable data, the research team has discovered areas of high red fox activity in urban areas and has identified possible den sites for further research. More data would allow the PEI Urban Fox Research Team to discover even more about this species, including possible public health concerns.

It takes just a few minutes. If you spot a red fox on Prince Edward Island, visit Fill out the simple form, and you've made an important contribution to UPEI research.

To report a sighting by mail, request a form by calling 566-0602.

For Information:
Dave Atkinson, Research Communications
(902) 620-5117,


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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