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Taking care of our people

AVC hires wellness facilitator
| Atlantic Veterinary College

For the first time, the Atlantic Veterinary College has hired a wellness facilitator. Sapphire MacPhee has a bachelor’s degree in social work from Dalhousie University and has worked in the areas of preventing problem gambling and family violence. She is very interested in health and wellness and is currently working on a certificate in this field.

“Our students, faculty, and staff work hard, and we appreciate and thank them for their dedication,” said Dean Greg Keefe. “As outlined in our strategic plan, we want to support them with services and programs that improve their health and well-being and help them to grow. The creation of the position of wellness facilitator is one way to accomplish this goal. Welcome, Sapphire!”

Sapphire will work closely with Dr. Tammy Muirhead, director of wellness programming at AVC, and Dr. Leigh Lamont, associate dean of academic and student affairs, to promote positive mental health programming to students, faculty, and staff. She will help them develop coping skills, resiliency, and a healthy work-life balance.

She will look at the student experience and campus life culture to ensure AVC students have the healthiest educational experience possible and are aware of services available to them through UPEI, including Student Affairs, the Chaplaincy Centre, and the Health Centre.

“Sometimes you can lose your sense of ‘self’ when you are so immersed in something you love, whether you are a student, a teacher, or a staff member,” she said. “I want to teach them how to identify as a well-rounded individual, not only as an AVC student, faculty, or staff member.”

As well as being available for private, confidential meetings, Sapphire, along with Dr. Muirhead, will work with AVC’s student peer helpers and develop new outreach programming for students. She can be reached at or (902) 566-6788.


Anna MacDonald
AVC External Relations Officer
Atlantic Veterinary College
(902) 566-6786

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