This News Story is more than 4 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

Message from the AVP of Students and Registrar re: Reading Week

| Students
Image of student centre in the winter

The following message was issued to students via myUPEI on February 10, 2021.    

Dear Students:

As Reading Week approaches (February 15-19, 2021), I would like to remind you of the direction from the Prince Edward Island Chief Public Health Office (PEI-CPHO) that travel off-Island is not recommended and should be for essential reasons only.

Should you choose to travel out of the province, please remember that before you leave PEI:

Also, you will be required to quarantine/self-isolate for 14 days upon your return, at your own expense and with a self-isolation plan pre-approved by the PEI-CPHO.

Enjoy your mid-semester study break, and please stay safe.



Donna Sutton
Associate Vice-President of Students and Registrar

Media Contact

Nicole Phillips
Director of Communications and University Relations
Marketing and Communications

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