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Island Lecture Series presentation explores coastal and ribbon development on PEI

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Dr. Joshua MacFadyen
Dr. Joshua MacFadyen

Dr. Joshua MacFadyen, Canada Research Chair in Geospatial Humanities at UPEI, will give a lecture titled “Time Flies: An Aerial History of Coastal and Ribbon Development on Prince Edward Island” on January 23, 2024, at 7:00 pm, in the Faculty Lounge (Room 201), SDU Main Building, University of Prince Edward Island.

Basing his lecture on his new book, Time Flies: A History of Prince Edward Island from the Air, MacFadyen will show that development in the coastal zone and along rural roads is accelerating on PEI just as the province is experiencing sustainability challenges in both areas. The talk will offer a unique combination of aerial photographs, historical maps, and more traditional sources as it describes the province’s journey into modernity.

In addition to holding a Canada Research Chair, MacFadyen is an associate professor in the Applied Communication, Leadership, and Culture program at UPEI, and he leads the GeoREACH lab, which supports geospatial research in Atlantic Canadian history.

MacFadyen’s presentation is part of the Island Lecture Series presented by the Institute of Island Studies at UPEI. All are welcome to attend.

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Anna MacDonald
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