A message from the Health and Wellness Centre

October launched the UPEI Health and Wellness Centre's HPV awareness campaign. At least 75% of Canadians will have at least one HPV infection in their lifetime and HPV has been linked to cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina, penis, anus, mouth and throat. Anyone who has been sexually active is at risk for HPV and its complications; however, a vaccine is the best way to protect yourself. UPEI student insurance now covers up to $500 worth of vaccine and many PEI health card holders are eligible to receive the vaccine free of cost.

UPEI 50th Anniversary Alumni Speakers Series presents the Honourable Percy Downe

The UPEI 50th Anniversary Alumni Speakers Series and the UPEI Faculty of Arts are pleased to present an evening with the Honourable Percy Downe (BA, ’77), the first graduate of the University of Prince Edward Island to serve in the Senate of Canada. The event is on Thursday, November 14, at 6:30 pm in SDU Main Building, room 213.