Connecting Aboriginal Cultures
The UPEI Mawi'omi Student Centre invites members of the University and Island community to the annual Connecting Aboriginal Cultures event on the UPEI campus. The Grand Entry will begin at 10:00 am followed by a mini Pow Wow, with drumming, dancing, cultural presentations. All are welcome!
Thank-you to partners: Aboriginal Women's Association of PEI, Mi'kmaq Confederacy of PEI, Native Council of PEI, UPEI Aboriginal Students Association, and the Department of Canadian Heritage
Mental Health Week 2017 Kick-Off
The UPEI community is invited to come celebrate with us as we kick off the 2017 UPEI Mental Health Week and feature our guest speaker, former UPEI Student Union President, Anastasia Smallwood. “Growing up I didn't talk about mental health-- it wasn't at home or in school, but mental illness was still there. As any relationship does, it has taken time to come to terms with my mental illness,Trichotillomania: accepting the good, the ugly, and myself through self acceptance and relying on others.”
Come be a part of our celebrations, support one another and be reminded of the relationships that matter to you. Snacks and refreshments will be served.
Click here for the full MHW 2017 schedule
Dealing with Difficult People - Dr. Heather Kaizer
Following the kick-off to Mental Health Week 2017, come join us for a session with PEI’s Chief Mental Health Officer-- Dr. Heather Kaizer --as she offers suggestions and tricks on setting boundaries and being heard.
Click here for the full MHW 2017 schedule
MHW 2017 Keynote: Dexter Nyuurnibe
Noted public speaker and mental health advocate Dexter Nyuurnibe speaks on "The Art of Loving Yourself: Finding Strength in Vulnerability". In a time where technology hides the battles we fear to share, we must relearn that our greatest strength is being vulnerable with ourselves and others. Come join us as for a thought provoking, heartfelt evening as we listen to this engaging, motivational young speaker as he shares with us lessons learned from his own personal journey.
Dexter believes that our individual stories are what serve to strengthen us, and as such was one of this year's Bell Let's Talk spokespeople. He is also a former Tedx speaker, he presented at a joint session of the World Bank and WHO just last year, and was chosen as one of the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health’s 2016 Faces of Mental Illness. Dexter is a contributor to U.S. based online health blog “The Mighty” and also sits on the board of the Ottawa based non-profit, Voice Found. He loves people, is OBSESSED with pugs and is an avid eater of poutine!
Click here for the full MHW 2017 schedule
Mental Health Trivia Night
Come out to your campus pub, The Wave, and enjoy some mental health-based trivia! Questions are a mix of pop culture and clinically based questions. It's going to be a great time!
Click here for the full MHW 2017 Schedule
The 'Write' Way To Calm
Drop into the Zen Zone for a workshop on the benefits of daily journaling with Grace Wedlake and Fallon Mawhinney of the UPEI Writing Centre.
Click here for the full MHW 2017 Schedule
The 'Write' Way To Calm: A Follow Up
Continue journaling and practicing with Grace Wedlake and Fallow Mawhinney of the UPEI Writing Centre in the Zen Zone. Another "Write" Way to Calm: A Follow Up session will be held on Friday morning at 10:30 am.
Click here for the full MHW 2017 Schedule
Therapy Dogs in the Concourse!
As part of Mental Health Week 2017, join us for a ‘pawfect’ visit with some loving canines. Volunteer therapy dogs and their owners will be here from St. John Ambulance. Come say hi and pet some furry friends!
Click here for the full MHW 2017 Schedule.
EFAP Seminar: Understanding Depressive Illness
Individuals suffering from depression often feel distant from friends and loved ones and can find it difficult to perform to their maximum productivity in the workplace. They can often have high rates of absenteeism or be unfocused. This situation is exacerbated by the stigma that still exists around depression and the reluctance to discuss it openly at home or at work. The facilitator will encourage participants to shatter popular myths and misconceptions about depression and to increase their understanding of the causes, triggers, and symptoms of depressive illness. This seminar will also explore ways in which depression can be successfully treated.
SIGN UP: Space is limited so please pre-register by contacting Glenda Burgoyne by email at or telephone 902-566-0605, no later than March 1, 2017. Refreshments/cookies compliments of Human Resources, but feel free to bring your own brown bag lunch. Release-time from your department is generally needed to participate.
Click here for the full MHW 2017 Schedule
SoundEscape: Winter Stillness Sound Meditation
Winter is a natural period of dormancy, a time for quiet reflection and conservation of energy. Take time for yourself to embrace the quiet heart of this season with this relaxing sound meditation as wooden flutes, crystal bowls, and shamanic drums take us on an inner journey through the stillness of winter. No experience required, all welcome! Feel free to bring your own pillows, comfortable clothing, etc. Whatever makes you feel most comfortable. We have soft mats for you to lie/sit on.
Click here for the full MHW 2017 Schedule