Winter Wonderland Ball

AVC's Class of 2016 invites you to the Winter Wonderland Ball taking place on Saturday, January 19 at 8:00 pm in The Wave. Tickets are $5.00 per person in advance or $7.00 at the door and may be purchased outside the AVC cafeteria at lunchtime or at Mickey's Place. Dress is semi-formal. The Winter Wonderland Ball is a fund raiser for AVC's Class of 2016.

Biology Department Seminar Series

Join the UPEI Biology department on January 18 for guest speakers Professor William J. Montelpare, Margaret and Wallace McCain Chair in Human Development and Health, Department of Applied Human Sciences, UPEI. Title: Using a Web-enabled Injury Surveillance Environment (WISE) for Injury Surveillance at a Multisport Event. Everyone is welcome to attend.

It's Time to Talk, but to Whom?

Come discover what our UPEI Student Affairs professionals do. Get some ideas on what you can do as a faculty or staff member to enhance the student experience at UPEI. Join us on January 17, 29 and February 11 from 12:15 - 1:00 pm for sessions on Academic Supports & Programs. Treena Smith, Manager of Webster Academic Services, and staff will discuss the resources available for students including the Writing Centre, Pathways to Academic Success, Transitions Program, and Mawi'omi Centre (Aboriginal Academic Support).

It's Time to Talk, but to Whom?

Come discover what our UPEI Student Affairs professionals do. Get some ideas on what you can do as a faculty or staff member to enhance the student experience at UPEI. Join us on January 29 and February 11 from 12:15 - 1:00 pm for sessions on Academic Supports & Programs. Treena Smith, Manager of Webster Academic Services, and staff will discuss the resources available for students including the Writing Centre, Pathways to Academic Success, Transitions Program, and Mawi'omi Centre (Aboriginal Academic Support).

It's Time to Talk, but to Whom?

Come discover what our UPEI Student Affairs professionals do. Get some ideas on what you can do as a faculty or staff member to enhance the student experience at UPEI. Join us on February 11 from 12:15 - 1:00 pm for a session on Academic Supports & Programs. Treena Smith, Manager of Webster Academic Services, and staff will discuss the resources available for students including the Writing Centre, Pathways to Academic Success, Transitions Program, and Mawi'omi Centre (Aboriginal Academic Support).

It's Time to Talk, but to Whom?

Making the Connection: Developing a University Team Approach to Student Mental Health Care Faculty and staff at UPEI have a strong tradition of caring for the well-being and success of students at our institution. But, when a student experiences a level of distress that interferes with the classroom or their ability to perform, it can be challenging to know how to respond or where to turn. Vickie Johnston, Director of Student Affairs at UPEI and faculty member, will be joined by James Reddin and Heidi MacDonald from UPEI's Counselling Centre and Neisha Fisher and Dr. Heather Keizer from UPEI's Health Centre. The group will facilitate a discussion on how issues of confidentiality, stigma, and accommodation impact communication between faculty, staff, treatment providers, and university administrators.

What's Up Wednesday

Join Sister Susan Kidd and others to learn more about Catholicism on January 16, 7:00 pm with Father Robert Barron. "Word Made Flesh, True Bread of Heaven: The Mystery of the Liturgy and the Eucharist," (DVD). Come for information, conversation, and celebration!

It's Time to Talk, but to Whom?

Come discover what our UPEI Student Affairs professionals do. Get some ideas on what you can do as a faculty or staff member to enhance the student experience at UPEI. Join us on January 24 from 11:30 - 12:15 pm for a session on the UPEI Chaplaincy Centre by Sister Susan Kidd. Come discover the many services offered through the Chaplaincy Centre.

Master of Education Thesis Defense - Kelly Lynne Miles

Kelly Lynne Miles will present her Master of Education Thesis defense on Wednesday, January 30 at 10:00 am in Room MCDH 243. Thesis Title: " Young Writers as Philosophers: Teaching Writing through Natural Inquiry and Community Dialogue”. ABSTRACT Current school culture places excessive emphasis on children reaching a minimum standard impairing their ability to reach their greatest potential. Students need to be challenged individually in authentic learning opportunities so that they can be supported to thrive as individuals. Teaching philosophically is one method that can address students’ needs including those requiring enrichment and additional support. Students are able to sustain thinking on subjects of authentic interest and reflect and assist one another through a recursive process of dialogue in the community of inquiry and writing. A qualitative study based on a three month intervention in a grade two classroom revealed that philosophical activity and writing instruction can be reciprocally beneficial for primary student learning. Data sources include the participant teacher’s reflective journal, student written reflections, assessed student work, video and a rubric measuring philosophical understanding. Teaching writing philosophically provides an authentic and student centred way of challenging students to deepen their reasoning skills, their understanding and their capacity for critical, creative and caring thinking. Philosophy can be taught within a subject so time allotment in the curricular timetable can be met. The study is significant in Prince Edward Island, as there is currently no documentation of any such initiatives to share with other teachers. An engaging and evocative stimulus, community of inquiry scaffolding, reflection, metacognition, narrative as genre and an effective working environment are necessary to ensure students are secure participating in challenging activities. Philosophical activity can engage and deepen grade two students’ thinking, while allowing them to play with ideas and imagine novel possibility.

It's Time to Talk, but to Whom?

Come discover what our UPEI Student Affairs professionals do. Get some ideas on what you can do as a faculty or staff member to enhance the student experience at UPEI. Join us on January 24 from 12:15 - 1:00 pm for a session on the UPEI Chaplaincy Centre by Sister Susan Kidd. Come discover the many services offered through the Chaplaincy Centre.