French for Government of PEI Employees
Planning on taking a French course for professional development?
UPEI's Office of Continuing Education and Professional Development offers French language courses and training to all classified and casual PEI civil service employees, and employees of Health PEI.
These courses are virtual via Zoom. You will receive the link to join the call once you register to the course you chose.
Unsure about your language proficiency level? Take a few minutes to complete our self-assessment form, which will help you choose the appropriate course for your level. Once you have your self-assessed level and the course in which you would like to enrol, visit the Public Service Commission website to register.
UPEI French Level Placement - Self-Assessment
French Language Training Program
Term Dates:
- Fall Term: Tuesday, October 1 to Friday, December 6, 2024
- Winter Term: Monday, January 6 to Friday, March 14 , 2025
- Spring Term: TBA
Winter Term Courses, 2025
Beginner 1B (Cohort 1) — Tuesdays, 12:00–12:50 pm
Beginner 1B (Cohort 2) — Tuesdays, at 1:00–1:50 pm
Beginner 2B — Tuesdays, 11:00 am–12:00 pm
Beginner 3B — Tuesdays, 12:10–1:10 pm
Intermediate 1/2 — Pronunciation - Wednesdays, 12:00–1:00 pm
Advanced Written and Oral Communication — Mondays, 12:00–1:00 pm
Past Fall Term Courses, 2024
Beginner 1A (Cohort 1) — Tuesdays, 12:00–12:50 pm
Beginner 1A (Cohort 2) — Tuesdays, 1:00–1:50 pm
Beginner 1A (Cohort 3) — Tuesdays, 10:00–10:50 am
Beginner 2A — Thursdays, 12:00–1:00 pm
Beginner 3A — Wednesdays, 12:00–1:00 pm
Intermediate 1A — Wednesdays, 1:00–2:00 pm
Intermediate 2A — Thursdays, 1:00–2:00 pm
Upcoming French Language Workshops
Workshops take place from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm in-person
Alumni Hall, UPEI
618 University Avenue, Charlottetown
Receive an official letter of completion for each workshop completed
Fall Term:
1. Mastering French Pronunciation through the Vowel Triangle - October 25
En français, ce sont les voyelles qui comptent! Grâce au triangle vocalique et à quelques exercices phonologiques simples, vous aurez les outils nécessaires pour apprendre à les prononcer correctement. Oui, même le son u!
In French, it's the vowels that count! Thanks to the Vowel Triangle and a few simple phonological exercises, you'll have the tools you need to learn how to pronounce them correctly. Yes, even the u sound!
2. Speaking with Native-like Fluency: Liaison, Linking, Rhythm, and Intonation in French - November 15
Avez-vous déjà eu l’impression qu’en français oral, tous les mots étaient liés? Vous avez raison! Comprenez la logique derrière ces phénomènes complexes et apprenez à les reproduire, pour parler comme un natif!
Have you ever had the impression that in spoken French, all words are linked? Well, you're right! Understand the logic behind these complex phenomena and learn how to reproduce them, so you can speak like a native speaker!
Winter Term:
3. The Art of Communication: Making the Difference in Client\Customer Service - January 10
Cet atelier vise à améliorer le service aux clients en français. L'objectif principal de cet atelier est d'aider les participants à renforcer leur confiance et leur compétence dans la communication en français, en particulier lorsqu'ils interagissent avec des clients francophones.
Au cours de cet atelier interactif, les participants apprendront des stratégies efficaces pour:
- Comprendre les besoins et les attentes des clients francophones.
- Répondre de manière appropriée et courtoise aux questions et aux préoccupations des clients.
- Utiliser le vocabulaire et les expressions clés liés au service client en français.
- Gérer les situations délicates avec tact et empathie.
- Améliorer leur prononciation et leur compréhension orale.
Grâce à des exercices pratiques, des jeux de rôle et des discussions, les participants acquerront les compétences nécessaires pour offrir un service exceptionnel en français, renforçant ainsi leur valeur en tant qu'agents du gouvernement bilingues.
This workshop aims to improve service to clients in French. The main objective of this workshop is to help participants strengthen their confidence and competence in communicating in French, especially when interacting with Francophone clients.
In this interactive workshop, participants will learn effective strategies for:
- Understand the needs and expectations of Francophone clients.
- Respond appropriately and courteously to customer questions and concerns.
- Use key customer service vocabulary and phrases in French.
- Handle sensitive situations with tact and empathy.
- Improve pronunciation and listening skills.
Through hands-on exercises, role-plays and discussions, participants will gain the skills needed to provide exceptional service in French, reinforcing their value as bilingual government officers.
4. Writing workshop 1: improving your sentences – February 21
Découvrez quelques outils pratiques pour rendre vos phrases vivantes et nuancées. Chaque procédé sera expliqué puis mis en pratique dans des exercices d’écriture.
Discover some practical tools for making your sentences lively and nuanced. Each process will be explained and then put into practice in writing exercises.
5. Writing workshop 2: improving sentences and avoiding common mistakes – March 14
Quelles sont les erreurs les plus courantes qu’un anglophone fait en français? Nous regarderons comment les éviter. Nous verrons ensuite d’autres procédés pour rendre vos phrases vivantes et nuancées. Chaque procédé sera expliqué puis mis en pratique dans des exercices d’écriture.
What are the most common mistakes an English speaker makes in French? We'll look at how to avoid them. Then we'll look at other ways of making your sentences more lively and nuanced. Each technique will be explained and then put into practice in writing exercises.