Campus Notices
Collin Arens, Department of Biomedical Sciences will give a seminar
entitled "Sub-lethal effects of oil sands development on white sucker
(Catostomus commersonii) in the Athabasca watershed" on Tuesday,
January 15 at 1:30 pm in AVC, Lecture Theatre "C".
Everyone is welcome.
Dr. Frank (Hein) Schaper, Chemistry Department, University of Montreal will present a seminar on Monday, January 14 at 12:30 pm. Dr. Schaper’s presentation is entitled “Complex Geometry and Catalyst Performance in Rac-lactide Polymerizatin with Diketiminate Complexes.”
The seminar will be held in Room 128 in the KC Irving Chemistry Centre.
The UPEI Accounting Office will be closed until 1:00 pm on Monday, January
14 in order to process all second semester tuition charges. Campus
faculty and staff are encouraged to use the drop boxes located outside the
Accounting Office or within Procurement Services during this time.
Deidre Smith
Manager, Accounting Office
Join us Wednesday, January 16, for a celebration of the culture of writing
and publishing from UPEI’s Faculty of Arts. We’ll launch eight new books by
six authors/editors that were published in 2012. The event begins at 4 pm in
the faculty lounge of UPEI’s Main Building. Books will be available for
purchase and signing.
For more information, including details on each book, author, or editor,
"Bridges to prosperity"
The Globe and Mail, in this article about the role of bridges in tourism
and regional economies, speaks with Dr. Godfrey Baldacchino, UPEI's Canada
Research Chair in Island Studies…
"P.E.I. abortion policy infringes on rights: study "CBC PEI speaks with Dr.
Colleen MacQuarrie, associate professor of psychology at UPEI, about PEI
abortion policy…
UPEI’s International Relations Office invites you to attend our inaugural International Coffee House featuring music from UPEI’s own international students, and Ten Strings and a Goat Skin.
Light refreshments will be served, courtesy of Chartwell's.
Date: January 18
Time: 6:30-9:30 pm
Place: The Pit (Robertson Library)
Please join the Department of Psychology for the next lecture in
the 2012-13 Fiona Papps Colloquium Series.
When: Friday, January 11
Where: Memorial 215
Time: 3:00 pm
Dr. Colleen MacQuarrie will present her talk entitled "Feminist
Liberation Psychology: What do reproductive justice, leaving violent
relationships, and teen parenting have in common?"
A reception will follow in the Department of Psychology lounge,
Memorial Hall 213, at 4:00 pm.
Heather Russell
(902) 566-0563
Collin Arens, Department of Biomedical Sciences will give a seminar
entitled "Sub-lethal effects of oil sands development on white sucker
(Catostomus commersonii) in the Athabasca watershed" on Tuesday,
January 15 at 1:30 pm in AVC, Lecture Theatre "C".
Everyone is welcome.
Dr. Frank (Hein) Schaper, Chemistry Department, University of Montreal will present a seminar on Monday, January 14 at 12:30 pm. Dr. Schaper’s presentation is entitled “Complex Geometry and Catalyst Performance in Rac-lactide Polymerizatin with Diketiminate Complexes.”
The seminar will be held in Room 128 in the KC Irving Chemistry Centre.
The UPEI Accounting Office will be closed until 1:00 pm on Monday, January
14 in order to process all second semester tuition charges. Campus
faculty and staff are encouraged to use the drop boxes located outside the
Accounting Office or within Procurement Services during this time.
Deidre Smith
Manager, Accounting Office
Join us Wednesday, January 16, for a celebration of the culture of writing
and publishing from UPEI’s Faculty of Arts. We’ll launch eight new books by
six authors/editors that were published in 2012. The event begins at 4 pm in
the faculty lounge of UPEI’s Main Building. Books will be available for
purchase and signing.
For more information, including details on each book, author, or editor,
The women's basketball event for breast cancer research is Saturday, January 12, 4 pm game.
T-shirts for this event are going fast. Get yours today at The Bookstore for $12.
Lynn Boudreau
UPEI Athletics & Recreation
Communications & Events
Phone (902)566-0991
Donate your Aeroplan miles to the UPEI Panthers today, visit:
Dear members of the UPEI community,
I write to you to ask your help. Our AVC students will host the 2013
Student Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Symposium.
This symposium is held each year at one of the five veterinary
schools in Canada. The event is taking place here from January 10-12, with
students arriving in PEI as early as January 9 and departing by January 13.
This is a wonderful event filled with lectures, labs, tours, and some
social events. The event is being run on a “student budget,” and every
measure is being taken to lower the costs. This is where we need your help.
We are asking that you consider being a host to one or more of these
students. A host needs only to provide a place to sleep, bathroom
facilities (no meals are needed), and if possible, transportation to campus
in the mornings. Included is a link to “sign up” to be a host. This is a
great opportunity for us to showcase our beautiful campus and our Island,
to show our support for our veterinary students, and at the same time do
something special and memorable for a future member of the veterinary
profession. Thanks in advance for your consideration of this request. Your
generosity is greatly appreciated.
Faculty link -…
Don Reynolds
Dean, AVC
The women's basketball event for breast cancer research is Saturday, January 12, 4 pm game.
T-shirts for this event are going fast. Get yours today at The Bookstore for $12.
Lynn Boudreau
UPEI Athletics & Recreation
Communications & Events
Phone (902)566-0991
Donate your Aeroplan miles to the UPEI Panthers today, visit:
Dear members of the UPEI community,
I write to you to ask your help. Our AVC students will host the 2013
Student Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Symposium.
This symposium is held each year at one of the five veterinary
schools in Canada. The event is taking place here from January 10-12, with
students arriving in PEI as early as January 9 and departing by January 13.
This is a wonderful event filled with lectures, labs, tours, and some
social events. The event is being run on a “student budget,” and every
measure is being taken to lower the costs. This is where we need your help.
We are asking that you consider being a host to one or more of these
students. A host needs only to provide a place to sleep, bathroom
facilities (no meals are needed), and if possible, transportation to campus
in the mornings. Included is a link to “sign up” to be a host. This is a
great opportunity for us to showcase our beautiful campus and our Island,
to show our support for our veterinary students, and at the same time do
something special and memorable for a future member of the veterinary
profession. Thanks in advance for your consideration of this request. Your
generosity is greatly appreciated.
Faculty link -…
Don Reynolds
Dean, AVC
The women's basketball event for breast cancer research is Saturday, January 12, 4 pm game.
T-shirts for this event are going fast. Get yours today at The Bookstore for $12.
Lynn Boudreau
UPEI Athletics & Recreation
Communications & Events
Phone (902)566-0991
Donate your Aeroplan miles to the UPEI Panthers today, visit:
Dear members of the UPEI community,
I write to you to ask your help. Our AVC students will host the 2013
Student Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Symposium.
This symposium is held each year at one of the five veterinary
schools in Canada. The event is taking place here from January 10-12, with
students arriving in PEI as early as January 9 and departing by January 13.
This is a wonderful event filled with lectures, labs, tours, and some
social events. The event is being run on a “student budget,” and every
measure is being taken to lower the costs. This is where we need your help.
We are asking that you consider being a host to one or more of these
students. A host needs only to provide a place to sleep, bathroom
facilities (no meals are needed), and if possible, transportation to campus
in the mornings. Included is a link to “sign up” to be a host. This is a
great opportunity for us to showcase our beautiful campus and our Island,
to show our support for our veterinary students, and at the same time do
something special and memorable for a future member of the veterinary
profession. Thanks in advance for your consideration of this request. Your
generosity is greatly appreciated.
Faculty link -…
Don Reynolds
Dean, AVC
As part of the UPEI Music Department Recital Series, the Toronto-based jazz
trio “Myriad” will perform at Dr. Steel Recital Hall on Tuesday, January
22 at 7:30 pm.
Myriad was an "accident." Chris Donnelly (piano), Daniel Fortin (bass) and
Ernesto Cervini (drums) had never played together until a few substitutions
and a twist of fate put them on stage together for the first time in late
2010. Since then, the trio has been making music in every jazz club in the
greater Toronto area.
The band is a true collective. Each member acts simultaneously as a leader
and a sideman. They play mostly original music that features different
aspects of jazz improvisation, ensemble playing and contemporary
composition. Myriad is modern jazz, meets classical, meets pop, meets
Oscar Peterson.
Chris Donnelly represents a new generation of jazz pianists, composers, and
improvisers dedicated to creating programs that are engaging, entertaining,
and educating. He is continually praised for his virtuosic performances,
musicality, versatility and ability to captivate audiences.
Daniel Fortin was born and raised in Peterborough, Ontario. He graduated
from the University of Toronto’s Jazz Performance Program in 2007. Since
moving to Toronto, Dan has been an active member of the city’s music scene,
playing with the likes of Mike Ruby, David Occhipinti, Dave Restivo, Barry
Romberg, Harley Card, Chris Donnelly, and many others.
Drummer Ernesto Cervini is making a name for himself as a
consummate bandleader and in-demand sideman, repeatedly praised for
his deeply musical, infectiously energetic talents. Time Out New
York encapsulated Cervini as “a buoyant drummer as well as a sharp
composer and bandleader,” while the jazz bible, Downbeat, described his
fluid style as one that “exemplifies 'float like a butterfly, sting like
a bee’.”
Myriad will be touring Canada to celebrate the release of their debut album
with Alma Records.
A one-semester pass ($84 for adults/ $56 for students/seniors) is available
and provides access to seven recitals this winter at a 20% discount.
Dr. Steel Recital Hall, UPEI 7:30 pm
Tickets are $15/$10 (students/seniors)
For tickets and information contact or 566-0507
"Electric cars still too pricey: study"
Read the CBC PEI profile of the research of MBA student Georgina Vardy.…
Kristen Vinke is an MSc grad student in biology. She's also the winner of
Garfield Weston Award for Northern Research. Watch this video featuring
her research produced by Canadian Geographic:
Dave Atkinson
Research Communications Officer
The next UPEI on-site training session in animal use and care will be held....
Tuesday, January 29
1:00-4:00 pm
AVC - Learning Commons Rm 286 A
This will be a 3-hour training session with handout, based on CCAC Recommended Syllabus (exam included).
The Canadian Council of Animal Care (CCAC) requires that all personnel involved with the use of animals in research, teaching, testing and, service take this course. (A refresher course is required every 5 years.)
Please notify me by email by 12:00 noon on Tuesday, January 22, 2013 if you will be attending this session.