Campus Notices
The UPEI Health and Wellness Centre is moving to an electronic medical record (EMR) during the week of March 21. Consequently, we are closed for staff training on March 22 and 23. We will re-open on March 24 at 50 per cent capacity and work our way back up to 100 per cent capacity over the next few business days to allow staff additional time to adjust to the new EMR. Currently, the staff uses paper records, so this is a significant transition. We appreciate your patience in advance as we transition from paper to electronic records. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us at or 902-566-0616.
Message from UPEI Health, Safety, and Environment: Finding birds on campus
There has been extensive media coverage recently about the presence of avian influenza in wild birds in Atlantic Canada. The UPEI Health, Safety, and Environment office advises members of the campus community to not handle any dead, injured, or sick birds as they can harbour diseases. If you find an injured, sick, or dead wild bird on campus, do not pick it up. Instead, contact either PEI Fish and Wildlife (902-368-4683) or the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (902-628-4314).
The OER Development Program is once again offering grants ($2000--$6000) for the development of Open Educational Resources.These grants support the creation of a new open textbook, the adaptation of an existing open textbook (new edition or combining chapters from several open textbooks), or the creation of lab manuals, guide books, test banks, slide decks, etc. Past project examples include
- Applied Statistics in Healthcare Research by William J. Montelpare, Emily Read, Teri McComber, Alyson Mahar, and Krista Ritchie
- Engineering Mechanics: Statics by Libby (Elizabeth) Osgood, Gayla Cameron, and Emma Christensen
The application and more details are available at The application deadline is Friday, March 25, 2022.
Do you have questions about your project and whether it qualifies as an OER? Attend a Zoom information session to chat with Kim Mears about your project:
- Monday, March 7, 2022, 9:00--9:30 am
- Thursday, March 10, 2022, 4:00--4:30 pm
- Tuesday, March 15, 2022 12:00 noon--12:30 pm
- Friday, March 18, 2022 3:00--3:30 pm
- Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 10:00--10:30 am
All meetings will use the same Zoom Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 696 4437 9544, Passcode: 185297
UPEI Health, Safety, and Environment is holding a basic biosafety training session.
Topics to be covered include basic biosafety principles and how they are applied at the University of Prince Edward Island, as well as biosecurity training. This session is open to everyone, including graduate students.
To attend the basic biosafety course, you must pre-register by contacting Jacky Buell at or 902-566-0901 on March 24 before the end of the day. Please provide your name, department, your supervisor’s name (if applicable), email address, and phone number in your email or voice message. Please indicate if you are a graduate student.
Dr. Jennifer Altman, candidate for the tenure-track position with the Department of Psychology in the Faculty of Arts, will make two public presentations.
The first, entitled "How can psychology integrate mindfulness & body?," will take place on Thursday, March 24, 2022, at 1:00 pm in Memorial Hall, Room 308.
The second, a teaching demonstration entitled "Chronic Pain: Assessment & Intervention," will be held on Friday, March 25, 2022, at 10:15 am in Memorial Hall, Room 308.
All are welcome to attend.
Several studies have shown that English is the language that allows researchers from different linguistic backgrounds to meet, exchange, and disseminate their work (Acfas 2021). International English-language journals seem to offer greater visibility, reach a wider network of researchers, and are prestigious publication venues with a greater scientific and media impact than French-language journals (Warren and Larivière, 2018). By doing so, what kind of impact can researchers have on Francophone communities in a minority setting? Because English platforms of dissemination have a greater power of attraction among researchers, does it mean that researchers in English-speaking universities should not publish in French?
These are some of the stakes and challenges of using French in research that we would like to explore but furthermore, are there some opportunities of doing research in French at UPEI? To explore these questions in this second round table about research in French at UPEI, Dr. Scott Lee (Department of Modern Languages), Dr. Rachelle Ann Gauthier (Faculty of Education), and Dr. Philippe Messier (Department of Sociology and Anthropology) will talk about their research and their possible dissemination in French, with Dr. Carlo Lavoie as moderator (in French).
This free event is open to the campus community (students and faculty members) and to the PEI Acadian and Francophone community.
When: March 18, 2022, 4:00 pm
Where: Zoom
For registration or more info: Carlo Lavoie (
Presented by the UPEI Department of Modern Languages, in partnership with Acfas-Acadie.
The UPEI Health and Wellness Centre is moving to an electronic medical record (EMR) during the week of March 21. Consequently, we are closed for staff training on March 22 and 23. We will re-open on March 24 at 50 per cent capacity and work our way back up to 100 per cent capacity over the next few business days to allow staff additional time to adjust to the new EMR. Currently, the staff uses paper records, so this is a significant transition. We appreciate your patience in advance as we transition from paper to electronic records. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us at or 902-566-0616.
Are you a UPEI researcher interested in entrepreneurship or the commercial potential for your research? The Office of Commercialization, Industry, and Innovation (OCII) will host an information session on the Ocean Startup Project's Lab2Market Oceans on March 22, 2022, at 10:00 am. This is an excellent opportunity for researchers interested in ocean applications of their technologies, while exploring an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset. The seven-week program gives university research teams skills they need to explore their idea in a new way and identify commercial opportunities (e.g., startup creation, licensing, partnering with industry) and includes a $15,000 grant through a partnership with Mitacs for graduate student/post-doctoral leads.
During this 30-minute information session, Marie Curtis, Lab2Market Oceans program manager, will walk prospective applicants through the program, including how to apply, what to expect, program eligibility, outcomes and success stories, timelines, skills you will learn, and more.
OCII staff would be happy to discuss ideas with any UPEI researchers interested in this opportunity or similar options outside the oceans sector.
To register, please go to
Message from UPEI Health, Safety, and Environment: Finding birds on campus
There has been extensive media coverage recently about the presence of avian influenza in wild birds in Atlantic Canada. The UPEI Health, Safety, and Environment office advises members of the campus community to not handle any dead, injured, or sick birds as they can harbour diseases. If you find an injured, sick, or dead wild bird on campus, do not pick it up. Instead, contact either PEI Fish and Wildlife (902-368-4683) or the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (902-628-4314).
UPEI will host a virtual Relay for Life event on Sunday, March 20, from 7:00--9:00 pm. Relay for Life is a fundraising event for the Canadian Cancer Society. It includes opening and closing ceremonies, a luminary ceremony in which we honour loved ones affected by cancer, guest speakers, and games. This year, our fundraising goal is $10,000, and we have already raised over $3,000.
The cost to participate in the event is $20 and includes a t-shirt and luminary. If you are interested in signing up or making a donation, you can do so at the following link:
If you have any questions about the event, you can email Sarah Doak at
Are you a UPEI researcher interested in entrepreneurship or the commercial potential for your research? The Office of Commercialization, Industry, and Innovation (OCII) will host an information session on the Ocean Startup Project's Lab2Market Oceans on March 22, 2022, at 10:00 am. This is an excellent opportunity for researchers interested in ocean applications of their technologies, while exploring an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset. The seven-week program gives university research teams skills they need to explore their idea in a new way and identify commercial opportunities (e.g., startup creation, licensing, partnering with industry) and includes a $15,000 grant through a partnership with Mitacs for graduate student/post-doctoral leads.
During this 30-minute information session, Marie Curtis, Lab2Market Oceans program manager, will walk prospective applicants through the program, including how to apply, what to expect, program eligibility, outcomes and success stories, timelines, skills you will learn, and more.
OCII staff would be happy to discuss ideas with any UPEI researchers interested in this opportunity or similar options outside the oceans sector.
To register, please go to
The Faculty of Business invites members of the campus community – students, faculty and staff – to attend a virtual research presentation by Dr. Abdul-Rahim Ahmad for a tenure-track position assistant of professor of business analytics and management science.
Candidate Bio:
Dr. Abdul-Rahim Ahmad is an award-winning academician working as a professor of business and supply chain analytics at the Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Thompson Rivers University, Canada. Dr. Ahmad obtained his PhD degree in systems design engineering (expert systems) and his MS degree in management sciences (management of technology) from the University of Waterloo, Canada. Prior to that, he received his BS degree in electrical engineering from N.E.D. University of Engineering and Technology and his MS degree in industrial systems engineering (supply chain management) from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. He also has post-graduate diplomas in operations research and cognitive science from the University of Waterloo.
Dr. Ahmad has decades-long teaching, research, and consulting experience with leading universities (University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University, Dalhousie University, Thompson Rivers University, King Fahd University, Umm Al-Qura University) and industries (Precision Technologies Inc., Congruent Systems Inc., Alphasoft Technologies, DNA Inc., etc.) in Canada and Saudi Arabia. He has interdisciplinary research interests in such faculties as Integrated Decision Modelling in Multi-Echelon Supply Chain Management and Intelligent Tools for Knowledge-Based & Enhanced Decision-Making. He has published 50+ research papers in reputed and high-impact journals and conferences proceedings.
Dr. Ahmad’s current teaching interests are in the areas of business analytics, supply chain analytics, information systems strategy, etc., at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He has received multiple teaching and service excellence awards from leading universities in Canada and Saudi Arabia. Dr. Ahmad regularly consults with industry and academia. His consultations with higher education Institutions span curricula development, curricula review, faculty development, academic accreditation, and continuous quality improvement. His consultations with industry span supply chain optimization, layout optimization, decision support systems, software development, and human-computer interaction.
Presentation Title: “A Seminar on Integrated Decision Models for a Vendor-Buyer Supply Chain with Inspection Errors and Purchase and Repair Options”
Improving the performance of supply chains is imperative in the contemporary competitive business environment. Integrated decision models incorporating various important aspects and decision variables into a single model are often desired towards this end. An important issue lacking in the supply chain literature relates to the incorporation of such quintessential and omnipresent supply chain practices as repairing or replacing non-conforming items supplied by the vendor.
Specifically, we will discuss two integrated models for effective decision-making towards improving the supply chain performance. The first model incorporates the notion of repairing non-conforming items supplied by the vendor at the site of the buyer/manufacturer. The second model incorporates the notion of replacing non-conforming items supplied by the vendor through local purchases at the site of the buyer / manufacturer. We will also discuss usefulness of such operational and practical decision models in strategic decision-making as well as some interesting and challenging future research directions.
The presentation will take place on Friday, March 18 from 12:45–1:45 pm (Atlantic Time) via the following Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 658 5837 6512
Passcode: 669984
For further information, please contact Shelly Kavanagh at
The Faculty of Business invites members of the campus community – students, faculty and staff – to attend a virtual lecture (teaching demonstration) by Dr. Abdul-Rahim Ahmad for a tenure-track position of assistant professor of business analytics and management science.
Candidate Bio:
Dr. Abdul-Rahim Ahmad is an award-winning academician working as a professor of business and supply chain analytics at the Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Thompson Rivers University, Canada. Dr. Ahmad obtained his PhD degree in systems design engineering (expert systems) and his MS degree in management sciences (management of technology) from the University of Waterloo, Canada. Prior to that, he received his BS degree in electrical engineering from N.E.D. University of Engineering and Technology and his MS degree in industrial systems engineering (supply chain management) from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. He also has post-graduate diplomas in operations research and cognitive science from the University of Waterloo.
Dr. Ahmad has decades-long teaching, research, and consulting experience with leading universities (University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University, Dalhousie University, Thompson Rivers University, King Fahd University, Umm Al-Qura University) and industries (Precision Technologies Inc., Congruent Systems Inc., Alphasoft Technologies, DNA Inc., etc.) in Canada and Saudi Arabia. He has interdisciplinary research interests in such faculties as Integrated Decision Modeling in Multi-Echelon Supply Chain Management and Intelligent Tools for Knowledge-Based & Enhanced Decision-Making. He has published 50+ research papers in reputed and high-impact journals and conferences proceedings.
Dr. Ahmad’s current teaching interests are in the areas of business analytics, supply chain analytics, information systems strategy, etc., at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He has received multiple teaching and service excellence awards from leading universities in Canada and Saudi Arabia. Dr. Ahmad regularly consults with industry and academia. His consultations with higher education institutions span curricula development, curricula review, faculty development, academic accreditation, and continuous quality improvement. His consultations with industry span supply chain optimization, layout optimization, decision support systems, software development, and human-computer interaction.
The lecture will take place on Friday, March 18, from 10:30– 11:15 am (Atlantic Time) via the following Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 682 8835 8265
Passcode: 863338
For further information, please contact Shelly Kavanagh at
Message from UPEI Health, Safety, and Environment: Finding birds on campus
There has been extensive media coverage recently about the presence of avian influenza in wild birds in Atlantic Canada. The UPEI Health, Safety, and Environment office advises members of the campus community to not handle any dead, injured, or sick birds as they can harbour diseases. If you find an injured, sick, or dead wild bird on campus, do not pick it up. Instead, contact either PEI Fish and Wildlife (902-368-4683) or the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (902-628-4314).
UPEI is partnering with the Canada Games Host Society during the 2023 Canada Winter Games from February 18 to March 5. From scorekeepers and ushers to drivers and bloggers, it will take thousands of people working together to plan and support all the athletic and cultural events during the Games. UPEI has developed Guidelines for Volunteer Leave for the 2023 Canada Winter Games. UPEI employees who wish to volunteer are eligible to apply for up to 15 hours of paid time off to volunteer for the Games.
To learn more and apply to be a volunteer, visit the 2023 Canada Winter Games Volunteer Portal.
The Faculty of Business invites members of the campus community – students, faculty and staff – to attend a virtual research presentation by Dr. Abdul-Rahim Ahmad for a tenure-track position assistant of professor of business analytics and management science.
Candidate Bio:
Dr. Abdul-Rahim Ahmad is an award-winning academician working as a professor of business and supply chain analytics at the Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Thompson Rivers University, Canada. Dr. Ahmad obtained his PhD degree in systems design engineering (expert systems) and his MS degree in management sciences (management of technology) from the University of Waterloo, Canada. Prior to that, he received his BS degree in electrical engineering from N.E.D. University of Engineering and Technology and his MS degree in industrial systems engineering (supply chain management) from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. He also has post-graduate diplomas in operations research and cognitive science from the University of Waterloo.
Dr. Ahmad has decades-long teaching, research, and consulting experience with leading universities (University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University, Dalhousie University, Thompson Rivers University, King Fahd University, Umm Al-Qura University) and industries (Precision Technologies Inc., Congruent Systems Inc., Alphasoft Technologies, DNA Inc., etc.) in Canada and Saudi Arabia. He has interdisciplinary research interests in such faculties as Integrated Decision Modelling in Multi-Echelon Supply Chain Management and Intelligent Tools for Knowledge-Based & Enhanced Decision-Making. He has published 50+ research papers in reputed and high-impact journals and conferences proceedings.
Dr. Ahmad’s current teaching interests are in the areas of business analytics, supply chain analytics, information systems strategy, etc., at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He has received multiple teaching and service excellence awards from leading universities in Canada and Saudi Arabia. Dr. Ahmad regularly consults with industry and academia. His consultations with higher education Institutions span curricula development, curricula review, faculty development, academic accreditation, and continuous quality improvement. His consultations with industry span supply chain optimization, layout optimization, decision support systems, software development, and human-computer interaction.
Presentation Title: “A Seminar on Integrated Decision Models for a Vendor-Buyer Supply Chain with Inspection Errors and Purchase and Repair Options”
Improving the performance of supply chains is imperative in the contemporary competitive business environment. Integrated decision models incorporating various important aspects and decision variables into a single model are often desired towards this end. An important issue lacking in the supply chain literature relates to the incorporation of such quintessential and omnipresent supply chain practices as repairing or replacing non-conforming items supplied by the vendor.
Specifically, we will discuss two integrated models for effective decision-making towards improving the supply chain performance. The first model incorporates the notion of repairing non-conforming items supplied by the vendor at the site of the buyer/manufacturer. The second model incorporates the notion of replacing non-conforming items supplied by the vendor through local purchases at the site of the buyer / manufacturer. We will also discuss usefulness of such operational and practical decision models in strategic decision-making as well as some interesting and challenging future research directions.
The presentation will take place on Friday, March 18 from 12:45–1:45 pm (Atlantic Time) via the following Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 658 5837 6512
Passcode: 669984
For further information, please contact Shelly Kavanagh at
The Faculty of Business invites members of the campus community – students, faculty and staff – to attend a virtual lecture (teaching demonstration) by Dr. Abdul-Rahim Ahmad for a tenure-track position of assistant professor of business analytics and management science.
Candidate Bio:
Dr. Abdul-Rahim Ahmad is an award-winning academician working as a professor of business and supply chain analytics at the Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Thompson Rivers University, Canada. Dr. Ahmad obtained his PhD degree in systems design engineering (expert systems) and his MS degree in management sciences (management of technology) from the University of Waterloo, Canada. Prior to that, he received his BS degree in electrical engineering from N.E.D. University of Engineering and Technology and his MS degree in industrial systems engineering (supply chain management) from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. He also has post-graduate diplomas in operations research and cognitive science from the University of Waterloo.
Dr. Ahmad has decades-long teaching, research, and consulting experience with leading universities (University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University, Dalhousie University, Thompson Rivers University, King Fahd University, Umm Al-Qura University) and industries (Precision Technologies Inc., Congruent Systems Inc., Alphasoft Technologies, DNA Inc., etc.) in Canada and Saudi Arabia. He has interdisciplinary research interests in such faculties as Integrated Decision Modeling in Multi-Echelon Supply Chain Management and Intelligent Tools for Knowledge-Based & Enhanced Decision-Making. He has published 50+ research papers in reputed and high-impact journals and conferences proceedings.
Dr. Ahmad’s current teaching interests are in the areas of business analytics, supply chain analytics, information systems strategy, etc., at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He has received multiple teaching and service excellence awards from leading universities in Canada and Saudi Arabia. Dr. Ahmad regularly consults with industry and academia. His consultations with higher education institutions span curricula development, curricula review, faculty development, academic accreditation, and continuous quality improvement. His consultations with industry span supply chain optimization, layout optimization, decision support systems, software development, and human-computer interaction.
The lecture will take place on Friday, March 18, from 10:30– 11:15 am (Atlantic Time) via the following Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 682 8835 8265
Passcode: 863338
For further information, please contact Shelly Kavanagh at
Message from UPEI Health, Safety, and Environment: Finding birds on campus
There has been extensive media coverage recently about the presence of avian influenza in wild birds in Atlantic Canada. The UPEI Health, Safety, and Environment office advises members of the campus community to not handle any dead, injured, or sick birds as they can harbour diseases. If you find an injured, sick, or dead wild bird on campus, do not pick it up. Instead, contact either PEI Fish and Wildlife (902-368-4683) or the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (902-628-4314).
Round Table about research in French at UPEI
Zoom, Friday, March 18, 4 p.m. To register, please write to
Three colleagues will talk about their research, the challenges of doing research in French, and/or disseminating research results in French. This will be followed by a question-and-answer period, which will be conducted in French by Carlo Lavoie.
Scott Lee Department of Modern Languages: Psychoanalysis and literature
Philippe Messier, Department of Sociology and Anthropology: From granite to digital video in Telangana (India). Anthropological look at the infrastructures of a new state
Rachelle Ann Gauthier, Faculty of Education: Education, Community, and Identity in Francophone Minority Communities: A Research Program in development
This event is a presentation by the Department of Modern Languages, in collaboration with the Research Office of UPEI (Research Conference and Workshop Support Program) and Acfas-Acadie. It is free and open to members of the university community and members of the Acadian and Francophone community. Do not hesitate to pass along this invitation.
To attend or for information, contact Carlo Lavoie at
Message from UPEI Health, Safety, and Environment: Finding birds on campus
There has been extensive media coverage recently about the presence of avian influenza in wild birds in Atlantic Canada. The UPEI Health, Safety, and Environment office advises members of the campus community to not handle any dead, injured, or sick birds as they can harbour diseases. If you find an injured, sick, or dead wild bird on campus, do not pick it up. Instead, contact either PEI Fish and Wildlife (902-368-4683) or the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (902-628-4314).