Campus Notices
The UPEI Music Department will perform Mozart’s famous opera “The Magic Flute” on March 6 and again on March 7, at 7:30 pm in the Steel Recital Hall.
This fully staged version will come to life under the musical direction of Sung Ha Shin-Bouey and stage direction of Stephen Bouey, both of whom are voice professors at UPEI. The opera will be sung in English and will have a unique take, offering perhaps a glimpse of university life in a fantastical way. It is a family-friendly show and is perfect for the inner child in everyone.
Tickets are $15 for adults and seniors, and $10 for students, and can be purchased online at; at the Music Department Office (Room 203, Steel Building); or at the door. The storm date is March 8 at 7:30 pm.
For more information, contact Susan Stensch, UPEI Music Department, at
You are invited to a research talk:
Dr. Leila Qashu (University of Guelph & Concordia University)
(Candidate for the tenure track position, Department of Sociology and Anthropology)
"Community-led Expressions for Rights: Indigenous Women's Multimodal Responses to Violence in Ethiopia and Canada"
Description: This talk will explore violence against indigenous women and land and their localized and expressive, community-led responses. After an introduction to North American and international indigenous studies, this talk will focus on the ways in which Arsi Oromo girls and women in Ethiopia use expressive arts to respond to violence, and for justice and social change. I will discuss two major research projects in collaboration with Arsi Oromo women in Ethiopia, including the dialogue with international indigenous studies research, the evolution of the research, the impact for the field of anthropology, the film-making, and the collaborative multimedia work that is the focus of the most recent project with the young women. I will conclude with examples of recent workshops with Indigenous youth in Canada and a university-community decolonizing pedagogy project.
Hope to see you there!
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites the campus community to the next Environmental Sciences/Human Biology seminar on Friday, February 28 2020 at 12:30 pm in the Duffy Science Centre, Room 204.
Jiachang (Eric) Chuan (MSc candidate in Environmental Sciences) will present "The transcriptomic response of tomato plants to potato zebra chip disease pathogen"
All are welcome
The School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences (SMCS) is hosting an Open House and Information Session. UPEI students who are current Majors and prospective Majors in any of our programs are invited to attend.
Thinking about a Major in our School? Then come to Cass Science Hall, Room 105 to hear about:
- Innovative Programs
- Career Paths
- Co-op Opportunities
- SMCS Community
Already a Major in our School? Then come to Cass Science Hall, Room 202 to hear about:
- Updates on our Major Programs
- Honours Programs
- Co-op Opportunities
- Extracurriculars
A social hour, with pizza, will follow the information sessions. Faculty will also be available during this time to answer any specific questions.
SPEAKER: Will Robbins, Biomedical Sciences
TITLE: Further Investigations on Metastrongyloid Transmission Routes
Everyone Welcome
Take some time for 'YOU' and drop by the Health and Wellness Centre, 2nd floor W. A. Murphy Student Centre between 10:30 am-1:30 pm, Friday, March 6. Booths will include blood pressure checks, glucose & cholesterol testing, concussion booth, Sit n’ Reach test, hand grip testing, HPV booth and massages/accupressure.
Jessica MacKinnon, Nurse Practitioner student, will also provide a 15-minute "Heart Health" presentation from noon-12:15 pm and repeated at 12:45-1:00 pm.
Light refreshments provided. Door prizes including yoga mat and bag, blood pressure cuff, etc! No appointment required!
This event is brought to you by UPEI's Healthy Campus Committee, through the Employee Wellness Strategy.
UPEI and the Rezaei and Jaberi Families in Canada and Kuwait invite you to gather at a memorial service to honour the life of UPEI student Khaled Rezaei who passed away in January in a tragic accident while he was visiting his family in Kuwait.
The memorial service will take place Friday, February 28, 2020 from 4:00–6:00 pm, with the program beginning at 4:30 pm, in McMillan Hall at the W.A. Murphy Student Centre. All are welcome to attend.
View the invitation on the events calendar
Based upon the popularity of our first Reading Group of 2020, we will build upon that reading with another chapter from The Equity Myth.
This time, please come to discuss the "Everyday World of Racialized and Indigenous Faculty Members in Canadian Universities" (Frances Henry and Audrey Kobayashi).
The library has a copy of the book, but we’ve also put a PDF of the chapter on a shared Google folder, at: (accessible to anyone with a UPEI email address; we’ll be putting future readings in the same folder).
Take a look, grab a colleague, and come join the conversation on Wednesday March 4, at 3:00 pm, in Arts 409.
Everyone welcome!
Speaker: Dr. Kai Liu, School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences (SMCS)
Title: Real-time Valuation of Large Variable Annuity Portfolios: A Green Mesh Approach
Abstract: The valuation of large variable annuities (VAs) portfolio is an important problem of interest, not only because of its practical relevance but also of its theoretical significance. This is prompted by the phenomenon that many existing sophisticated algorithms are typically efficient at valuing a single VA policy but they are not scalable to valuing large VAs portfolio consisting of hundreds of thousands of policies. As a result, this sparks a new line of research direction exploiting machine learning methods on providing more efficient algorithms to estimate the market values and sensitivities of the large VAs portfolio.
UPEI’s Faculty of Business will hold an information session for those interested in its Executive MBA program. The event will be Thursday, March 12 at 5:00 pm in the Boardroom at the Confederation Centre of the Arts in Charlottetown.
UPEI's Executive MBA program offers a high-quality learning experience for working business professionals. The program is designed for those working in, or aspiring to work in, a management or leadership position. Classes are offered bi-weekly on Fridays and Saturdays with the option to complete the program in 20 months.
Central to the program design is an evidence-based management approach which helps students develop the skills and knowledge to make better-informed and well-supported decisions both in the program and in applied situations in their workplaces.
To learn more about this exciting opportunity, the Faculty of Business invites you to attend this upcoming information session. Learn more about the program and application process, have your questions answered, and meet with staff, faculty and students.
We encourage you to call 902-894-2866 or email to reserve a seat. For more information about UPEI's Executive MBA program, please visit or email
The Multidisciplinary Faculty Discussion Group on Environmental Issues is launching a series of brown bag lunch events which aim to showcase UPEI faculty's environment-related research.
Kicking off the series is Dr. Michael Arfken, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology, speaking about Critical Psychology, Work, and the Environment on Friday, February 28, 12:30-1:15 p.m. in MCDH 215. Students, faculty, and staff are all welcome to attend.
You are invited to a research talk:
Dr. Leila Qashu (University of Guelph & Concordia University)
(Candidate for the tenure track position, Department of Sociology and Anthropology)
"Community-led Expressions for Rights: Indigenous Women's Multimodal Responses to Violence in Ethiopia and Canada"
Description: This talk will explore violence against indigenous women and land and their localized and expressive, community-led responses. After an introduction to North American and international indigenous studies, this talk will focus on the ways in which Arsi Oromo girls and women in Ethiopia use expressive arts to respond to violence, and for justice and social change. I will discuss two major research projects in collaboration with Arsi Oromo women in Ethiopia, including the dialogue with international indigenous studies research, the evolution of the research, the impact for the field of anthropology, the film-making, and the collaborative multimedia work that is the focus of the most recent project with the young women. I will conclude with examples of recent workshops with Indigenous youth in Canada and a university-community decolonizing pedagogy project.
Hope to see you there!
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites the campus community to the next Environmental Sciences/Human Biology seminar on Friday, February 28 2020 at 12:30 pm in the Duffy Science Centre, Room 204.
Jiachang (Eric) Chuan (MSc candidate in Environmental Sciences) will present "The transcriptomic response of tomato plants to potato zebra chip disease pathogen"
All are welcome
The School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences (SMCS) is hosting an Open House and Information Session. UPEI students who are current Majors and prospective Majors in any of our programs are invited to attend.
Thinking about a Major in our School? Then come to Cass Science Hall, Room 105 to hear about:
- Innovative Programs
- Career Paths
- Co-op Opportunities
- SMCS Community
Already a Major in our School? Then come to Cass Science Hall, Room 202 to hear about:
- Updates on our Major Programs
- Honours Programs
- Co-op Opportunities
- Extracurriculars
A social hour, with pizza, will follow the information sessions. Faculty will also be available during this time to answer any specific questions.
Providing content for a course can be a pretty easy thing to do. Figuring out how to explain to students what that content will do to them and for them is far more challenging. There are numerous ways to describe learning and just as many opinions as to which is best. Are learning targets even necessary? The E-Learning Office will present its thoughts in a workshop on Thursday, March 12th from 10:30 to 11:30 am in Room 265 of the Robertson Library. REGISTER
Central Printing Office will be closed each Friday beginning Feb. 28 until further notice.
There is a new email address for print requests. Submit inquiries and files to
Please contact Wendy Henderson at 902-566-0558 or
SPEAKER: Will Robbins, Biomedical Sciences
TITLE: Further Investigations on Metastrongyloid Transmission Routes
Everyone Welcome
February is Black History Month. During Black History Month, Canadians celebrate and honour the legacy of Black Canadians, past and present.
In recognition of Black History Month, Robertson Library, the UPEI Student Diversity Office (SDO), BIPOC USHR, and the Hive are presenting a screening and discussion of The Ninth Floor, an NFB documentary written and directed by Mina Shum.
This feature documentary “…revisits the infamous 1969 Sir George Williams Riot―an event that began quietly when a group of Caribbean students started to suspect their professor of racism, but ended in the most explosive student uprising Canada had ever known.”
Thursday, February 27, room 235, Robertson Library.
Doors open at 5:30 pm. The documentary begins at 6 pm.
Based upon the popularity of our first Reading Group of 2020, we will build upon that reading with another chapter from The Equity Myth.
This time, please come to discuss the "Everyday World of Racialized and Indigenous Faculty Members in Canadian Universities" (Frances Henry and Audrey Kobayashi).
The library has a copy of the book, but we’ve also put a PDF of the chapter on a shared Google folder, at: (accessible to anyone with a UPEI email address; we’ll be putting future readings in the same folder).
Take a look, grab a colleague, and come join the conversation on Wednesday March 4, at 3:00 pm, in Arts 409.
Everyone welcome!
Are you a member of UPEI’s LGBTQ2S+ community looking for a safe and fun space to discuss your experiences and connect with others? Then this group is for you!
On Friday March 6th, join UPEI’s LGBT+ Support Group as we connect for our first meeting. Headed by Joshua Peters and Allegra Netten, both Doctoral Psychology students and proud members of PEI’s LGBT2S+ community, this group will explore the unique mental health experiences of LGBT2S+ individuals. Topics may include anything from sex and sexuality, to finding support for specific LGBTQ2S+ issues, or tips for maintaining healthy relationships. Most importantly, this group will be a safe place to connect, learn, and support one another. For those who are new to the community or just want to listen – participation isn’t necessary. We hope to create a space for everyone, so confidentiality among participants will be strongly encouraged.
For our first gathering, we will be asking folks what they might want to include in our conversation as we move forward as well as outlining a few ideas we have for getting started. Light snacks will be provided.
Any questions or concerns? Don’t be afraid to reach out to either Allegra Netten ( or Joshua Peters (, or find us on Facebook at
We look forward to seeing you there!