Campus Notices

Interactive content can increase learner engagement and also help increase learning. Adding interactive content to your course is now so very easy to do. You can make videos interactive, images interactive, presentations interactive, quizzes interactive. The sky's the limit. In this workshop come learn how to get started creating your own interactive content. This workshop takes place on two separate dates: May 15th or June 13th from 10:30 to 11:30 am in Room 265 of the Robertson Library. REGISTER

All UPEI graduate students and post-doctoral fellows are invited to attend this FREE workshop, co-hosted by Synapse, UPEI's technology transfer and commercialization office ( and Mitacs, a national, not-for-profit organization that has designed and delivered research and training programs in Canada for 20 years. ( A minimum registration of 12 participants is required in order for the workshop to go ahead, so early registration is encouraged. 

Time Management – Tuesday, June 4, 2019,
9:00am-5:00pm (Registration starts at 8:30am)
Where: Rooms 286 B & C, Atlantic Veterinary College (UPEI)

This energetic, intensive one-day course will sharpen your professional time management skills and optimize your working week. Building on the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) best practices, methodologies, and productivity tactics, the course provides tools and techniques that can be applied to a partner industry project or employment-based role. Whether you’re handling dynamic timelines alone or within a team, you’ll be able to reach your project targets with the knowledge gained in this course.

Learning Outcomes
You will learn to:
- Optimize your professional days and weeks
- Effectively define targets and goals so that they are clear and sustainable
- Accurately estimate activity duration
- Improve focus and better manage interruptions
- Reduce corrective communication 
- Better defend project schedules without sacrificing relationship quotient
- Improve and leverage personal energy for sustainable follow-through on activities

To learn more about this course, please visit:

To register for a workshop, learners will need to:
1. Create an account or sign in to EDGE at this link:
After signing in, click on ‘Catalog’ tab on your dashboard
2. You can then search and register for the course you are interested in (eg: Time Management) by clicking the ‘Enroll’ tab 
3. You then need to choose available sessions at a location (eg: Prince Edward Island).

Questions? please feel free to reach out to

UPEI Healthy Campus Committee is pleased to announce a NEW Health Challenge for UPEI staff & faculty. The Global Challenge kicks off with an around-the-world 100 Day Journey. 

The Global Challenge is a fun way to become a healthier, happier you:

• Unite with a team of 7 colleagues and nominate a team captain. Together, you’ll join members from all around the world.

• Inspire your team to climb the leaderboard. Each member receives a sleek new activity tracker. Track your activity - everything from yoga to kitesurfing!

• Transform to a happier, healthier you. Discover handy tools and tips on nutrition, sleep and how to refresh and refocus.
The Challenge has teams of 7 competing not only with employees at UPEI, but also with other workplaces in the province of PEI and around the world. The Global Challenge will take place from May 22 – August 30,2019.

How do you register(UPEI Employees only): Form a team of 7 and contact Angela Marchbank with names, email and ID number of 7, identify team captain and a team name. If you don’t have a team or a team of 7, please let Angela know. We will put you on a team. We can register a maximum of 273 UPEI employees. All teams must be registered by Monday, May 13 at 1:00 pm. Deadline is firm, we need numbers for ordering Max Buzz trackers. Cost $10/participant.

We will pray in thanksgiving for the accomplishments of the Graduating Class of 2019. Bishop Richard Grecco will preside and various dignitaries from the campus and beyond will join us. All are welcome! This event is Thursday, May 9 at 9:30 pm in the Chaplaincy Centre. 

This year the Rotaract Club of UPEI will be working with Easter Seals PEI. Every year Easter Seals hosts an annual auction to raise money to help Islanders living with disabilities. Rotaract will be collecting any new items or gift certificates persons might want to donate until May 22nd.

Anyone interested can drop off their donation on Dalton Hall 4th Floor at the International and Recruitment Office.

Next week is Convocation Week at UPEI! UPEI employees and faculty are invited to attend the Convocation exercises on Friday, May 10 and Saturday, May 11 at the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre. The Friday ceremony begins at 1:30 pm; the Saturday morning ceremony begins at 10:00 am; and the Saturday afternoon ceremony begins at 2:30 pm. Each ceremony is preceded by a procession of graduates across campus. 

As seating is limited due to safety regulations, all guests must present their invitations in order to be admitted to the Sports Centre. Staff/faculty members can pick-up their one invitation by contacting Eileen Kinch at

For Faculty who have regalia and wish to participate in the Academic Procession, please line up with the graduates in the Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering building concourse 45 minutes before each ceremony. 

For more information please visit:

This is a one-day workshop that focuses on the concept of practice teaching. A small group of peer instructors comes together to teach short lessons in front of each other from a prepared lesson plan in order to gain feedback on their teaching in a low-stakes and collegial environment. Sessions will also be video-recorded and participants will be provided with a copy of their sessions for later review. Co-sponsored by the E-Learning Office and the Faculty Development Office, the workshop is designed to help enhance the teaching effectiveness of new and/or experienced educators at UPEI. Participants will also have the opportunity to work at the process of giving and receiving feedback. A light breakfast and coffee/snack breaks will be provided. Lunch is on your own. The workshop will take place on Tuesday, May 14th from 10:00am - 4:00pm in Room 328, McDougall Hall. Space is limited. REGISTER

DYKT you can print documents confidentially using Secure Print feature on Konica Minolta?

Konica Minolta multifunction units provide the ability to print confidential documents using their "Secure Print" method.

Secure Print allows you to password protect your print job when printing from your office computer. When you send a print job via Secure Print, it is held at the printer until you enter your password to retrieve your job.

Please see documents for instructions on how to use Secure Print on your Windows PC or Mac computer on our website.

If you have any questions or issues, please contact the ITSS Help Desk at 902-566-0465 or

The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering is delighted to announce the Call for Applications for the third offering of ProGRES at UPEI this summer.

ProGRES (Promoting Girls in Research in Engineering and Sustainability) is a summer research opportunity at the FSDE at UPEI for high school girls going into grades 11 and 12. The selected students will work on their own independent research projects with a woman faculty researcher, graduate student, or undergraduate student, who will be the ProGRES student’s direct mentor. Throughout the five-week period, the selected ProGRES students will also have other unique opportunities to learn what Engineering is, and what engineers do, on a daily basis.

For more information, and to apply online, please visit this link:
(Deadline is May 31)

There will be a UPEI Blood Borne Pathogen training session:

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019 2:00 p.m – 4:00 p.m. 
KMB, Room 313

This session is for those individuals whose research involves human blood, tissue, and other bodily fluids. If you wish to attend you must pre-register by contacting Sarah Sudworth before May 10th, 2019 by email ( or by phone (902-566-0901). Please provide your name, department, email address, and phone number in your email or voice message. 

If you have any questions about this training session, please contact Sarah.

There will be a UPEI Basic Biosafety training session:

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 
AVC, Room 287N

Topics to be covered include basic biosafety principles and how they are applied at the University of Prince Edward Island, as well as biosecurity training. This session is open to everyone including graduate students.

Please note: those who attended training in 2016 or earlier are currently due for the Biosafety Refresher Course.

To attend the Basic Biosafety course, you must pre-register by contacting Sarah Sudworth, before May 10th, 2019 by email ( or by phone (902-566-0901).

Please provide your name, department, your supervisor’s name (if applicable), email address, and phone number in your email or voice message. Please indicate if you are a graduate student. 

If you have any questions about this training session, please contact Sarah.

There will be a UPEI Biosafety refresher training session:

Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
AVC, Room 287N

This session is required for those who attended the Basic Biosafety course in 2016 or earlier. It is not a substitute for Basic Biosafety. Topics to be covered include a review of basic biosafety principles, a practical approach to spill cleanup, and an update on what’s new at UPEI in the field of biosafety.

To attend the Biosafety Refresher course, you must pre-register by contacting Sarah Sudworth, before May 21st, 2019 by email ( or by phone (902-566-0901). 

Please include your name, department, supervisor’s name (if applicable), email address, and phone number in your email or voice message. 

If you have any questions about this training session, please contact Sarah.

1/5 Islanders have been diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure). Come to the UPEI Health & Wellness Centre on May 17th (World Hypertension Day) for a free Blood Pressure (BP) Check and the opportunity to win a home BP monitoring machine. Every individual who has a BP check between 9:00 - 12:00 pm will be entered into a draw for a home BP monitoring machine. No need for appointments, just drop in!

This is a one-day workshop that focuses on the concept of practice teaching. A small group of peer instructors comes together to teach short lessons in front of each other from a prepared lesson plan in order to gain feedback on their teaching in a low-stakes and collegial environment. Sessions will also be video-recorded and participants will be provided with a copy of their sessions for later review. Co-sponsored by the E-Learning Office and the Faculty Development Office, the workshop is designed to help enhance the teaching effectiveness of new and/or experienced educators at UPEI. Participants will also have the opportunity to work at the process of giving and receiving feedback. A light breakfast and coffee/snack breaks will be provided. Lunch is on your own. The workshop will take place on Tuesday, May 14th from 10:00am - 4:00pm in Room 328, McDougall Hall. Space is limited. REGISTER

Starting Soon! Cycle Fit and Cycle 'n Barre with Bernadette! Pre-registration required.

Eight classes/session program fee: Sports Centre members $68 + hst; non-members $80 + hst. Payment required at the time of registration. Drop in fee $12+hst. Registration for all programs at Panther Central desk, Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre

Cycle n' Barre - Tuesdays, 12:05 pm - 12:55 pm (May 7 - June 25)
Cycle Fit - Tuesdays, 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm (May 7 - June 25)

The University of Prince Edward Island is proud to host the Canada 2018 Gairdner International Award winner for the 2019 Gairdner Lectures. Dr. Davor Solter will deliver a public lecture today at 9:30 am in the Faculty Lounge of UPEI’s SDU Main Building. 

Dr. Davor Solter is an emeritus member and director of the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics. He is a visiting international professor of the Siriraj Center for Excellence in Stem Cell Research, Mahidol University, and a visiting professor at the University of Zagreb Medical School.

Together, the work of Dr. Solter and Dr. Azim Surani has contributed to the understanding of the developmental consequences and molecular mechanisms of genomic imprinting, starting the field of epigenetics, the study of heritable changes in gene function without changes in the DNA sequence.

All are welcome to the public lecture.

On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday May 15, 16, 17, 2019, the Faculty of Graduate Studies will be holding its annual UPEI Graduate Studies and Research Conference. This will be the second time that graduate students from all UPEI faculties will jointly participate in presenting their research at a university-wide event.

These three days are a celebration of the accomplishments of our graduate students and their research efforts. Over the course of the three days, graduate students from multiple faculties will present their research orally.

For information on how to register and view the program schedule, please go to

Space is limited! So please register no later than 12 pm on May 13th, 2019

Degree framing services are offered by the UPEI Alumni Association. Visit the secure site to view the five models of frames that are available and to order (choose "pick up in store" option). Each frame includes a mat with the UPEI coat of arms embossed in gold. 

Frames may be picked up at the reception in McMillan Hall immediately following convocation ceremonies.

Contact Sarah Hastelow in the UPEI Alumni Office at (902) 566-0615 or with any questions.

The UPEI Health & Wellness Centre wishes to invite you to come and be "scanned". In partnership with the Canadian Cancer Society, we are hosting a Sun Safety Clinic/Coffee Break on May 14th from 10:00-12:30 pm. There will be a 30-minute presentation at 10:30 am (repeated at 12:00 pm) and you will be able to put your head in the sun scanner to find out if you have experienced skin damage from the sun. Drop by between 10:00-12:30 for coffee, a scan and presentation.

The UPEI Health & Wellness Centre wishes to invite you to come and be "scanned". In partnership with the Canadian Cancer Society, we are hosting a Sun Safety Clinic/Coffee Break on May 14th from 10:00-12:30 pm. There will be a 30-minute presentation at 10:30 am (repeated at 12:00 pm) and you will be able to put your head in the sun scanner to find out if you have experienced skin damage from the sun. Drop by between 10:00-12:30 for coffee, a scan and presentation.