Campus Notices

Are you a UPEI student who has completed at least one year here at UPEI? Have you figured out some things that you wish someone had told you on your first day? In addition to a whole bunch of food, fun, and events that will encourage new students to get to know one another, we try to include some educational activities in the NSO schedule.  One that consistently gets positive feedback is "confessions of a returning student."  Our goal is to recruit a panel of four to six students who represent a variety of undergraduate student experiences and have them speak to the new students. You don't need to prepare a speech or be a great public speaker; the event is set up as a panel, so you just have to answer a couple of questions when called on by the moderator (you'll know ahead of time what your question will be, so there should be no surprises).

The event is scheduled for Sunday, September 1, at 3:00 pm, (location TBD) so we need you to be present and available on campus at that time. There will likely be a couple of emails to engage with and perhaps one short (30 minutes or less) meeting (can be via zoom).

If you are interested, please fill out the google form available here:

If you have any questions please direct them to

The deadline for Fall 2024 tuition waivers is August 19, 2024.  We encourage you to have tuition waivers submitted as soon as possible to assist in the timely processing. Tuition waiver forms must be submitted electronically.  

Online employee and spouse/dependent tuition waiver fillable forms can be found on the main page of MyUPEI under UPEI Forms.

If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at (902) 566-0514 or

Thinking about climate change? Submit an abstract to "Turning the Tide: Island Imaginaries and Interdisciplinaries in Climate Change" before September 30, 2024. This third international conference on small island states and subnational island jurisdictions will be hosted from June 16-20, 2025, on the UPEI campus in Charlottetown and at the Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation in St. Peter's Bay. Local co-hosts include the Institute of Island Studies, the UNESCO Chair in Island Studies and Sustainability, and the Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation at UPEI.

Turning the Tide 2025 is an interdisciplinary conference that is open to everyone. It is a way to share stories, thoughts, and knowledge about climate change in the context of the lived experience of islandness. Think about how your work and experiences on and from Prince Edward Island can find expression and connection, and about how we can highlight Canada's smallest subnational island jurisdiction across the world. Take a look at our call for abstracts and find our submission form at

Troy Life & Fire Safety will perform the annual fire alarm inspections throughout campus beginning on Monday, August 12, 2024. As part of these inspections, there will be testing of alarms. There will be an audible notification stating "This is a test" at the beginning and the end of each test. The building occupants are not required to evacuate during the testing period. The ringing of alarms is required to test their function and to ensure the speakers work throughout the building. This will be a small portion (up to two hours) of the total time they are in the building.

Testing will occur as follows:

  • Atlantic Veterinary College, week of August 12–15 (*notice of audible alarms will be sent out at a later date)
  • Blanchard Hall, August 19
  • Bernardine Hall, August 20
  • Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall, August 21
  • Bill and Denise Andrew Hall, August 22–23
  • Performing Arts Centre and Residence, week of August 26–29

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

Check out this recording of last week's session where members of the GenAI Taskforce offered information about creating a genAI syllabus statement to provide clarity for where and when you expect students to use/not use genAI in your courses. In addition to the recording, we have a copy of the transcript, a link to a Moodle book with genAI basics, and some examples of genAI teaching tools that you can share and modify.  

See the TLC’s Instructional Resources Hub for Guidance on Using Generative AI in Teaching and Learning webpage and the Provisional Guidelines on the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (genAI) in Teaching and Learning for Instructors at UPEI from December 2023.   

This university-level orientation is meant for all newly hired faculty of all ranks and tracks and complements orientation programming offered by your unit and Human Resources. Our event will take place over three afternoons--August 19, 20, and 21 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm in the Teaching and Learning Centre --and will introduce you to several senior administrators, colleagues from a variety of teaching, research, and support units as well as the UPEIFA, our faculty union. Our orientation sessions will include background information, a review of key university policies, and tips to support faculty and student success to help your transition to UPEI be as smooth as possible.

New academic colleagues are invited to email the Teaching and Learning Centre at for more information about the schedule. 

The University of Prince Edward Island has teamed up with the Chief Public Health Office (CPHO) of PEI to provide UPEI students and any member of the University community at risk of experiencing or witnessing a drug-related overdose with free Naloxone kits through the provincial Take Home Naloxone Program

Naloxone (also called Narcan) is a fast-acting medication used to temporarily reverse an opioid overdose until medical help arrives. Naloxone can restore breathing within 2 to 5 minutes and is safe for all ages. It only works for those who have opioids in their system. It does not create dependence, and it is safe to keep a Naloxone kit on hand.


Naloxone training is available online at Training—Take Home Naloxone.

Where to get a Naloxone kit at UPEI

  • Security Services: Call 902-566-0384 24/7
  • Dalton Hall, 5th Floor: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am–12:00 pm and 12:50–4:00 pm
  • W.A. Murphy Student Centre, UPEI Health and Wellness Centre:  Monday-Friday, 8:00 am–4:00 pm
  • W.A. Murphy Student Centre, Room 201: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am–4:00 pm
  • AVC, 428S: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am–4:00 pm
  • Bill and Denise Andrew Hall, Room 121: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am–4:00 pm; call 902-394-1386 from 8:00–11:00 pm

Supports on campus

It is important to know the signs of opioid overdose and the proper overdose response as opioid-related overdoses are on the rise on PEI. To learn more about signs and how to administer Naloxone, visit this Health, Safety, and Environment page.

The Faculty of Nursing would like to invite all to attend the public presentation of Leah O’Shea Munro’s Master of Nursing thesis defence, "The Lived Experience of Female Spouses of Canadian Male Veterans Living with Combat-Related Post-traumatic Stress Disorder during the COVID-19 Pandemic."   

 Date/time/location: Monday, August 19, 2024, Health Sciences Building, Room 105, starting at 1:00 pm  

 Everyone is welcome.  


The McCall MacBain Scholarships at McGill are open for applications, and representatives are inviting students to join upcoming open sessions for Canadian Universities to support their application questions. All sessions are online.

The sessions will take place as follows:

Established in 2019, the McCall MacBain Scholarships are for master’s and professional studies students who demonstrate character, community engagement, leadership potential, entrepreneurial spirit, academic strength, and intellectual curiosity. Up to 30 McCall MacBain Scholarships, and 100 other awards varying from $5,000 to $20,000 each, will be offered for Summer/Fall 2025 admission.

Timeline and criteria: Applications are open from June 1 to September 25, 2024, for admission in September 2025. To be eligible for the 2025 cohort, applicants must meet one of the following criteria:

  • You are a current student on track to earn your first bachelor’s degree by August 2025.
  • You earned your first bachelor’s degree in the last five years (January 2019 or later).
  • You earned your first bachelor’s degree more than five years ago and are 30 years or younger in 2024.

Renewal of Employee Parking Permits who use payroll deduction is now open for Faculty and Staff for 2024–2025. Please visit the UPEI Security web page and select “Buy a staff or faculty parking pass” or click on the app link below (note: app will not work with Internet Explorer). Permits holders in Lots B, C, DRC, and reserved spaces have no expiry date, but must be renewed yearly as well.

Please DO NOT select the lot you may wish to move into—that is what the wait list is for (see below). New employees will be assigned to the General Lots. All permit holders will be reassigned to their current lot/space.

We would like to advise that there will be an increase in permits this year. The last increase for a permit was in 2014. The cost of a permit will increase by 5%. This change will affect any permits issued or sold for the 2024-2025 school year. If you use payroll deductions your biweekly deductions will increase on September 13, 2024. 

If you use payroll deduction, and no longer use a UPEI lot to park, please email so we can stop your deduction. 

Employees taking a leave of absence from UPEI and using parking lots B, C, F, G, or DRC must email with their ID#, name, departure date, and expected return date to maintain access to their assigned lot. 

All fields with a red asterisk must be filled in, including office phone number and if you have an electric vehicle.

If you have a student in your household that is starting UPEI in September and they have their own vehicle, remember to include the vehicle info, their name, and ID# on the application if you are paying for their parking. Students will only be assigned a general permit.

If you are in a gated lot and you have a student that will be using your vehicle to come and go during the workday, please include their information on the application as an additional driver. If you wish to add additional information after you have submitted your form, you must resubmit a new application and inform that you have done so. 

If you change your vehicle, please email parking with the Make, Model, Province/State, Plate #.

If you would like to be added to the wait list for a designated lot or wish to change lots, please email with the following information. (Note: if you are already on the wait list there is no need to resubmit.) While you are on the waitlist, you will be assigned to your current lot until a spot opens in your requested location. 

Employee ID #:
Name (last, first):
Contact Email:
Phone Number:
Current lot:
Requested lot:

Please direct any questions or information changes to

If you have already applied for your 2024-2025 Parking Permit, you can disregard this email.


NOTE: Metered parking is enforced on weekdays from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, year-round but is not enforced on weekends or holidays.

UPEI Procurement Services is currently taking bids on a used 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan. The van has 162,240 kms and is not inspected. It will need some body work. 

Bids are being accepted in the University's e-tendering portal Bonfire until August 21, 2024, at 2:00 pm. This portal requires you to register by creating a free account with a username and password at When registering for the Bonfire portal, please put your name in the Vendor Name and Contact Name fields. Then you can access the information about this opportunity at

If you require assistance, please email

Check out this recording of last week's session where members of the GenAI Taskforce offered information about creating a genAI syllabus statement to provide clarity for where and when you expect students to use/not use genAI in your courses. In addition to the recording, we have a copy of the transcript, a link to a Moodle book with genAI basics, and some examples of genAI teaching tools that you can share and modify.  

See the TLC’s Instructional Resources Hub for Guidance on Using Generative AI in Teaching and Learning webpage and the Provisional Guidelines on the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (genAI) in Teaching and Learning for Instructors at UPEI from December 2023.   

This university-level orientation is meant for all newly hired faculty of all ranks and tracks and complements orientation programming offered by your unit and Human Resources. Our event will take place over three afternoons--August 19, 20, and 21 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm in the Teaching and Learning Centre --and will introduce you to several senior administrators, colleagues from a variety of teaching, research, and support units as well as the UPEIFA, our faculty union. Our orientation sessions will include background information, a review of key university policies, and tips to support faculty and student success to help your transition to UPEI be as smooth as possible.

New academic colleagues are invited to email the Teaching and Learning Centre at for more information about the schedule. 

This is a friendly reminder to always keep fire extinguishers clear and accessible. Items placed in front of fire extinguishers will be removed. These safety devices are crucial for quickly addressing any emergencies, and ensuring they are not blocked helps keep everyone safe. Your cooperation in keeping these areas unobstructed is greatly appreciated!  

The University of Prince Edward Island has teamed up with the Chief Public Health Office (CPHO) of PEI to provide UPEI students and any member of the University community at risk of experiencing or witnessing a drug-related overdose with free Naloxone kits through the provincial Take Home Naloxone Program

Naloxone (also called Narcan) is a fast-acting medication used to temporarily reverse an opioid overdose until medical help arrives. Naloxone can restore breathing within 2 to 5 minutes and is safe for all ages. It only works for those who have opioids in their system. It does not create dependence, and it is safe to keep a Naloxone kit on hand.


Naloxone training is available online at Training—Take Home Naloxone.

Where to get a Naloxone kit at UPEI

  • Security Services: Call 902-566-0384 24/7
  • Dalton Hall, 5th Floor: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am–12:00 pm and 12:50–4:00 pm
  • W.A. Murphy Student Centre, UPEI Health and Wellness Centre:  Monday-Friday, 8:00 am–4:00 pm
  • W.A. Murphy Student Centre, Room 201: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am–4:00 pm
  • AVC, 428S: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am–4:00 pm
  • Bill and Denise Andrew Hall, Room 121: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am–4:00 pm; call 902-394-1386 from 8:00–11:00 pm

Supports on campus

It is important to know the signs of opioid overdose and the proper overdose response as opioid-related overdoses are on the rise on PEI. To learn more about signs and how to administer Naloxone, visit this Health, Safety, and Environment page.

As a buildup to the new school year, and a last hurrah for summer, Robertson Library would like to welcome everyone to come and have some free coffee or tea in the lobby today. Bring your own reusable cup any time between 10:00 and 10:30 am to get your morning coffee or tea!

Are you a UPEI student who has completed at least one year here at UPEI? Have you figured out some things that you wish someone had told you on your first day? In addition to a whole bunch of food, fun, and events that will encourage new students to get to know one another, we try to include some educational activities in the NSO schedule.  One that consistently gets positive feedback is "confessions of a returning student."  Our goal is to recruit a panel of four to six students who represent a variety of undergraduate student experiences and have them speak to the new students. You don't need to prepare a speech or be a great public speaker; the event is set up as a panel, so you just have to answer a couple of questions when called on by the moderator (you'll know ahead of time what your question will be, so there should be no surprises).

The event is scheduled for Sunday, September 1, at 3:00 pm, (location TBD) so we need you to be present and available on campus at that time. There will likely be a couple of emails to engage with and perhaps one short (30 minutes or less) meeting (can be via zoom).

If you are interested, please fill out the google form available here:

If you have any questions please direct them to

The UPEI Health and Wellness Centre is offering walk-in clinics for the Meningitis B (MenB) vaccine for students on August 29 and September 6, 13, and 20, from 8:30 am to noon. Students are asked to bring their PEI health card or proof of international insurance, and their student ID. They can also request an appointment for a vaccine.

Meningitis B (MenB) vaccines prevent against a type of meningococcal disease that targets the lining of your brain and spinal cord and is potentially life-threatening. With a high mortality rate (10%), meningococcal disease is a medical emergency. It can cause death within days if prompt antibiotic treatment is delayed. The infection typically triggers symptoms such as severe headache, sudden high fever, skin rashes, vomiting, and a stiff neck. Among survivors, 10% to 20% have long-term complications, which may include hearing loss, neurologic disabilities, and digit or limb amputations.

The disease spreads between people through saliva and respiratory fluids. Engaging in activities with infected people, such as sharing drinks, vapes, or kissing, may put you at risk. The risk is higher if young adults are living in a dormitory or crowded space as the bacterium spreads quickly through large groups.

MenB vaccine is highly recommended by the Canadian Immunization Guide to protect you from this vaccine-preventable disease. Beginning April 2023, PEI began offering free MenB vaccine to students attending a post-secondary school. 

To learn more about MenB, visit Meningococcal vaccine: Canadian Immunization Guide -

Come say hi, have a snack, and play a round of jenga with UPEI's new employee engagement officer, Jessica Field!

Jessica would like to hear from you and get your thoughts on all things around employee engagement. How do you think we should welcome new employees to UPEI? How would you like to be recognized for the work you do? What professional growth opportunities would be most meaningful to you? What initiatives would you like to see on campus that would enhance your experience while at work? What are some areas that make our workplace great that we should leverage? How can we make a positive impact in our communities, both on and off campus?

Tuesday, August 13, Kelley Memorial Building 234, 10:30 am-12:30 pm

Open to all employees at UPEI. Complimentary light refreshments will be provided, and attendees will have a chance to win UPEI swag!

Unable to attend? 

Stay tuned for future opportunities. If you'd prefer to connect individually, please feel free to reach out  to Jessica at 

We have a variety of outdoor games to sign out for use on campus with your colleagues. Games include bocce, croquet, ladderball, washers, and yard-zee. You are encouraged to sign out items for more than one day.

Come out and try pickleball and/or spikeball with fellow UPEI staff and faculty every Thursday at noon for the summer (weather permitting) near the new residence.

You do not have to register online. To sign out equipment, contact Angela Marchbank at

The Healthy Campus Committee coordinates these initiatives through the UPEI Employee Wellness Strategy supported by the Joints Benefits and Advisory Committee.