Campus Notices

In recognition of the outstanding performance and dedication of our faculty and staff, a number of annual awards have been created to acknowledge their efforts and achievements.

Up to ten Presidential Awards of Merit for UPEI Faculty, Librarians and Clinical Veterinary Professionals and four Presidential Awards of Merit for UPEI Staff will be awarded in 2016.  These awards will be presented during a Celebration of Colleagues to be held on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 from 2:00-4:00 pm in McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre.

Susan Connolly, Associate Vice President Human Resources & Legal, will lead the process and chair the committee to select award recipients.

Nominations for both faculty and staff awards close on Friday, April 1, 2016.

For further details on the awards and the nomination process, please visit:

The UPEI Student Union is currently accepting nominations for both the Faculty of the Year and Staff of the Year awards. Staff and Faculty may only be nominated for these awards by students. 
Faculty of the Year award is aimed at recognizing a faculty member who contribute to the campus community with actions that consistently go beyond the requirements of their position. Their effectiveness as a professor, accessibility both in and out of the classroom, contributions to campus community, and dedication to educating their students should be considered when submitting the nomination. 
Staff of the year award aims to recognize the University staff member that s the most dedicated to enhancing the student experience at UPEI. This staff member goes out of their way to ensure that students' interests are the University's top priority. 
Students are asked to please submit nominations through the link below on Google Forms. The deadline for submissions is March 18, 2016.

Please see the attached poster for a list of needed supplies and they are accepting any cash donations.

Hello everyone my name is Caitlin Rop and I am currently enrolled in UPEI 203 and as a project we are doing for our class. My classmate Erica Campbell and I are going to be putting on an Extreme Clean Campaign to collect cleaning products for the Anderson House Shelter. Just to let you know a little bit about the Anderson House Shelter they are an organization that runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and they provide emergency shelter for women and children who are in need of safety because of violence in their lives. The shelter is located in Charlottetown and it includes emergency shelter, safety planning, advocacy, childcare services, drop-in support, follow-up support, referrals to outreach services and second stage housing, and information pertaining to resources such as lawyers, housing, stay away orders, transportation, childcare and pet care to name a few.

As of right now they are in desperate need of cleaning supplies (any cleaning supplies) and pajamas (any size). This campaign will take place Thursday March 17 and Friday March 18 in the Student Union building from 11:30 until 3:30 each day. We are collecting any cleaning products as they are in desperate need of all cleaning products! Every little bit helps! Thank you so much for your time and I look forward to hopefully seeing you stop by!

On March 29 from 2:30 - 4:00 pm, in the Faculty Lounge of SDU Main Building, the University community is invited to a retirement drop-in for our friend and colleague Roger Cook, Procurement Services Manager. After more than two decades with UPEI, Roger will retire on April 1. Cake and light refreshments will be served. We hope to see you there to wish Roger all the best in his retirement.

On March 29th from 2:30 - 4:00 pm, in the Faculty Lounge of SDU Main Building, the University community is invited to a retirement drop-in for our friend and colleague Roger Cook, Procurement Services Manager. After more than two decades with UPEI, Roger will retire on April 1st. Cake and light refreshments will be served. We hope to see you there to wish Roger all the best in his retirement.

Jonathan Spears, DVM, MVSc, DipACT

“Biomedical Sciences at AVC/UPEI:  Raising Our Flag Even Higher”

   DATE:              Friday, March 18, 2016
   LOCATION:    Room 287N, Learning Commons, AVC
   TIME:              10:00 am

Dr. Spears is a candidate for Department Chair in the Department of Biomedical Sciences.


The deadline for Animal Care Protocol Submissions -- new, renewal, or amendment -- is Friday, April 1 for the April meeting. 

Ensure you always…

·        Download the current forms from

·        Use the most current Adobe Reader to complete forms and only current forms will be accepted.

Both the signed hard copy and electronic protocol submission must be submitted by the deadline date.

·        Submit one copy of original protocol with signature to AVC - North Annex, Biomedical Sciences Dept., Rm 2302

·        Submit an electronic copy to

Those protocols received after the deadline will be reviewed the following month.

The Committee requires at least one month for processing applications.

For more information, please contact Sherri Pineau, ACC Admin. Assistant @ 902-566-0973.

The UPEI Student Union is currently accepting nominations for both the Faculty of the Year and Staff of the Year awards. Staff and Faculty may only be nominated for these awards by students. 

Faculty of the Year award is aimed at recognizing a faculty member who contribute to the campus community with actions that consistently go beyond the requirements of their position. Their effectiveness as a professor, accessibility both in and out of the classroom, contributions to campus community, and dedication to educating their students should be considered when submitting the nomination. 

Staff of the year award aims to recognize the University staff member that s the most dedicated to enhancing the student experience at UPEI. This staff member goes out of their way to ensure that students' interests are the University's top priority. 

Students are asked to please submit nominations through the link below on Google Forms. The deadline for submissions is March 18, 2016.…

Mr. Andrew Weatherill will present his Master of Arts–Island Studies thesis defence on Tuesday, March 22nd at 2:30 pm in Rm. 409 Dalton Hall. The thesis title is: Examining Climate Change and Irrigation Requirements on James Island, British Columbia. As space is limited, you are asked to contact Jim Randall at if you wish to attend.

The Clinic for Patient-Oriented Research at UPEI asks for the campus community’s assistance with regard to parking for its patients. The Clinic is offering a guided exercise and education program in the Steel Building to patients with moderate to severe cases of Chronic Obstructive Pulminary Disease (COPD).
To allow easier access to the Clinic for these patients with COPD who have difficulty breathing and cannot walk long distances, the University will be reserving 15 spots at the metred Visitor Parking lot located between Steel Building and the Regis and Joan Duffy Research Centre. The metres will be reserved from 12 noon–3 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays from now until the end of March. During these times, the metres will feature blue reserved parking hoods.
UPEI asks that people refrain from parking in these spaces so that Clinic visitors have a positive experience while on campus and thanks you in advance for your co-operation.

Another week, another SCENT blog post! #6 thinks about "online learning, faculty development, and academic freedom" -- a topic sure to interest a lot of us on campus! Go to, read and comment... invite friends and colleagues too! Peruse past posts and comments, join in the conversation! All of this as we build toward our guest speaker, Dr. Len Findlay, from the University of Saskatchewan, on April 27. Stay tuned for more details about this event too!

The School of Nursing would like to invite the University community to a research presentation which will be given by Prof. Patrice Drake, BSc, RN, MN, candidate for a tenure track position in Nursing. Prof. Patrice Drake will present "Coming together:  Discovering the narrative of nurses providing care for women experiencing miscarriage". The presentation will take place on Friday, March 11 from 1:40-2:20 in Room 213, Main Building.                     


Let’s Listen (3:00pm-4:30pm, The Wave)
The event will feature a safe-listening and non-judgemental environment where various students, staff and faculty members will share their stories and encounters with mental illness. These stories will provide us with an opportunity to learn, care, and be inspired to help ourselves and those around us living with mental illnesses, and remind us all, that relationships matter. Pub Grub will be provided. All are welcome to attend!

Games Night (6:00pm-8:30pm, AVC Cafeteria)
AVC students, Pre-Vets, and UPEI students, faculty, and staff are invited to a board game night - complete with snacks! Bring your own games, or play one of our’s. Brought to you by the Society of Atlantic Veterinary Students (SAVS).

Saturday March 12th
1pm-3pm in Student Affairs (above the bookstore).
Campus Life invites students, staff, faculty and their children to come to our Family Friendly event on March 12th.  We will have treats, crafts and will be watching Inside Out.  This is an excellent opportunity to connect with others who are parents or guardians on campus. 
On Saturday March 26th from noon to 3pm we'll be having an Easter event with an easter egg hunt for kids, the movie Hop, healthy fun treats (including fruit kabob making) easter crafts, and more.  Stay tuned for more information.
If you have any questions please e-mail Elyse at

In recognition of the outstanding performance and dedication of our faculty and staff, a number of annual awards have been created to acknowledge their efforts and achievements. 

Up to 10 Presidential Awards of Merit for UPEI Faculty, Librarians and Clinical Veterinary Professionals and four Presidential Awards of Merit for UPEI Staff will be awarded in 2016. These awards will be presented during a Celebration of Colleagues to be held on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 from 2:00-4:00 in McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre. 

Susan Connolly, Associate Vice President Human Resources & Legal, will lead the process and chair the committee to select award recipients. 

Nominations for both faculty and staff awards close on Friday, April 1, 2016. 

For further details on the awards and the nomination process, please visit:

Laura Taylor, Biomedical Sciences will present a seminar called "Does the Agricultural Pesticide Chlorpyrifos Impact the Survival of American Lobster?" and
Philippa Blackburn, Biomedical Sciences will present a seminar called "The effects of the aquaculture pesticide Salmon (azamethiphos) on Stage 4 American lobster larvae"  on Tuesday, March 15 at 3:30 pm in AVC Lecture Theatre C.
Everyone is welcome.

Healthy Relationships 101 (12:00pm-1:00pm, The Pit, Robertson Library)

What determines a healthy relationship? Have you ever worried that you are in an unhealthy relationship? What are the warning signs to look for? Can you make a long distance relationship work? Join Marion Clorey from Student Affairs and Richelle Greathouse from the International Relations Office for a brown bag lunch and chat on this important topic.

Stress and Relaxation Management (12:30pm-1:30pm, Faculty Lounge. SDU Main building)

Our minds and bodies need rest and recovery breaks to allow us to relax and reduce the effects of stress. This seminar will show participants how to make time to calm down and reduce stress, using both proactive and reactive relaxation technique. 

If you would like to attend the session, please pre-register by contacting Glenda Burgoyne by email at or telephone 902-566-0605. 

An Evening with Catherine MacLellan (7:00pm, Doors open at 6:30. Steele Recital Hall) TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE
This 2015 Juno Award winner, singer-songwriter will share her stories and songs as we come together to celebrate mental health and the relationships that matter in our lives. FREE TICKETS can be picked up at Student Affairs Mar. 3 - Mar.10, 8:30 - 4:00 (while they last). (Initially, limited to two per person. Unlimited after Wednesday, Mar 9). Goodwill offering at the door to support UPEI Mental Health Week. This event is sponsored by the UPEI Alumni Association.

Hsiao Yu (Kate) Liu will defend her MEd Thesis on March 14, 12 noon – 2 pm.  It will take place in Memorial Hall, room 417. The thesis is entitled “Economic Immigrant-Parents’ Educational Involvement in Prince Edward Island”.

Kris Barnes will defend his MEd Thesis Defense on March 16, 9:00 – 11:00 am.  It will take place in Memorial Hall, room 308. The thesis is entitled “The Perceptions of Korean Parents in a Canadian Elementary Offshore School”.

Randy Campbell will defend his MEd Thesis Defense on March 24, 11 – 1 p.m at the The Guild.  The thesis is entitled  “Environmental Education for Nature Connection: An Animist Arts-based Exploration.” There will also be a collection of art displayed at the Guild from April 17 – April 26.  You can find out more information on the Guild website.


The next presentation in the Human Biology and Environmental Sciences seminar series, will take place on Friday, March 11, 2016.

Dr.  Neb Kujundzic of the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, will present:

“Thought Experiments in Philosophy and Science.”

Date:  Friday, March 11, 2016

Time: 12:30 pm

Duffy Science 204

All are welcome.

You are invited to hear and see stories written and illustrated and presented by UPEI’s English 245: Children’s Literature students.

Where: SDU Main Building, room 320

When: Monday, March 14, 3-3:45 pm and Wednesday, March 16 3-3:45 pm.

Four new stories on each day. All are welcome! (Children and adults, and well-behaved dogs and cats)

Contact: Deirdre Kessler: