Campus Notices
The Senate Committee on the Enhancement of Teaching (SCENT) announces its events for the winter 2016 semester! Our theme for the semester is “Academic Freedom, Pedagogy, and Curriculum: what do they mean for you?” Through a series of events taking place over the next few months, SCENT aims to engage the campus community in a series of conversations about academic freedom and its relation to pedagogy and curriculum—that is, to what we say and do in the classroom, and with students. While academic freedom is more commonly invoked when faculty talk about research and scholarship, it is also a central idea to the profession as a whole, and clearly impacts our work as teachers too. What do we do in the classroom, and with and for students? Are there limitations or boundaries around what we do or can do or even should do? If so, who or what sets those? What does academic freedom in our teaching mean to different Faculties and Schools, and in different subject areas? How does academic freedom affect students? And how would we (or do we) negotiate what are no doubt differences in how we all answer these questions?
In addressing these and other questions, with the goal of generating much discussion on campus about what we teach and how we teach, SCENT is pleased to organize three major events for this semester:
- an ongoing blog and discussion forum, to which we will post short articles about this theme every few weeks over the semester, and invite colleagues to respond to them;
- a ‘faculty rants and raves’ event on Wednesday, March 9 (4:00-5:00pm), where faculty are invited to volunteer to rant and rave about academic freedom, in a variety of formats--rants, poems, skits, songs, raps, musings, etc. that can take a variety of tones--funny, angry, sad, thoughtful… (cash bar, nachos provided);
- a guest speaker, Dr. Len Findlay, University of Saskatchewan, on Wednesday April 27, who will give a public talk and hold a workshop on this theme.
Check out our new SCENT website at (still under construction)--where you’ll find information about SCENT and the blog mentioned above. And lots more information will be coming your way throughout the semester about all of these events! Book the key dates now—and stay tuned for much more from us as we get going on this provocative theme, around which we all surely have much to say!
For more information, contact: Ann Braithwaite, Chair of SCENT, or Gerald Wandio, Faculty Development Office, at
One focus area of Project Beacon, UPEI's cross-campus transformational initiative, is to enhance the room booking process, making it easier to book and manage spaces on campus. The Room Booking Team has now completed the first phase of this endeavour which facilitates the completion of the next phase in Spring 2017.
We invite members of the campus community to an Information Session to learn about this first phase and introduce a new web page for booking meeting space and athletics facilities, and requesting classroom changes. Anyone who submits room booking requests is encouraged to attend!
Room Booking Information Session
Thursday, January 21 from 2:00 - 3:00 pm
AVC Lecture Theatre A
Thank you,
Project Beacon Room Booking Team
All are Welcome!
Re: New Corporate Credit Cards & Training Session
As many of you are aware, UPEI is in the process of transitioning Corporate Credit Cards from RBC Royal Bank to Scotiabank, and some cardholders have already transitioned.
To assist in this process, there will be a training session hosted by Matt Adams on Jan 27, 2016 at 10:00am in the SDU Main Building (Room 117) to demonstrate how to view and reconcile transactions using Scotiabank's CentreSuite program, and provide some additional information. Please feel free to attend as a cardholder or have a designate attend who is responsible for monthly reconciliation activities.
As it may not be possible for everyone to attend the training session, there may be a second session scheduled in February (if needed), and/or individuals not able to attend will be provided the necessary training and information on an individual basis.
As there are a significant number of cardholders that still need to be switched over, this will be completed in 2-3 phases over the next couple of months and cardholders will be followed up with accordingly to pass along the new credit card, appropriate documentation, and relevant information.
If you have any questions, please contact Matt Adams in the Accounting Office at 566-0470 or at
The Awards Selection Committee of the UPEI Alumni Association is in the process of finding the most worthy and outstanding alumni to award them with our annual Distinguished and Inspiring Alumni Awards.
The Distinguished Alumni Award is presented to one or more of our alumni for their outstanding contributions to knowledge, the arts, the community, the university, or humanity. The criteria for these awards are based on the University of Prince Edward Island's motto, "faith, knowledge, service".
The Inspiring Young Alumni Award was established in 2011 to honour alumni under the age of 40 who have shown outstanding determination in achieving success at a young age.
The Committee would be grateful to hear from you and your knowledge of previous students and their current success or past successes to help find the most worthy candidate. Please consider taking a few moments to reflect on your past UPEI/PWC/SDU students and recommend to us worthy candidates for consideration of this recognition. I
To nominate an alum please send their name and a brief description to
To see past recipients please visit
Thank you for your consideration and assistance in recognizing our alumni! The awards will be presented during 2016 Reunion Weekend, August 4 - 6.
The Clinic for Patient-Oriented Research at UPEI asks for the campus community’s assistance with regard to parking for its patients. The Clinic is offering a guided exercise and education program in the Steel Building to patients with moderate to severe cases of Chronic Obstructive Pulminary Disease (COPD).
To allow easier access to the Clinic for these patients with COPD who have difficulty breathing and cannot walk long distances, the University will be reserving 15 spots at the metred Visitor Parking lot located between Steel Building and the Regis and Joan Duffy Research Centre. The metres will be reserved from 12 noon–3 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays from now until the end of March. During these times, the metres will feature blue reserved parking hoods.
UPEI asks that people refrain from parking in these spaces so that Clinic visitors have a positive experience while on campus and thanks you in advance for your co-operation.
Notice from Procurement Services
Campus Phone System:
UPEI phone services effective Wednesday, January 20, 2016 will be changing service provider from Bell Aliant to Eastlink.
Phone service maybe disrupted between 5 - 6 pm Wednesday, January 20, 2016 to enable the service provider changes.
All services will remain the same with no changes to phone numbers or voice mail. The end user will not see any changes to the services they now have.
If you have any questions or concerns about the services in your area, please contact me at Procurement Services 902-566-0424 or email:
As part of National Non-Smoking week a display with information about tobacco cessation programs and supports will be from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm at the W.A. Murphy Student Centre on Tuesday, January 19 and AVC on Wednesday, January 20.
Please join us in congratulating Richelle Greathouse on her recent appointment to the position of International Student Advisor in the International Relations Office. Richelle joined the IRO staff in September as the Homestay Coordinator, and has been a welcome addition to the team ever since.
Richelle is a registered social worker and brings with her much experience. She looks forward to helping students adjust to their new community, and achieve academic and personal success. Faculty and staff should feel free to contact Richelle if they have any questions or require any assistance with matters concerning international students. She may be reached at or (902) 894-2850.
John W. Stephens will present his Master of Education Thesis Defense on Thursday, January 21, 2016 at 12:00pm. Thesis Title: “Resurrecting the Shop: Examining the Theory and Practice of Career and Technical Education". It will take place in AVC 287N.
All are welcome to attend.
Yoga Nidra - Rebecca Gass - Mondays 4:30 pm - 5:15 pm - Started January 11
Introduction to Yoga - Lyndsey Paynter - Mondays 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm Starting January 25
Cycle Core - Bernadette Peters - Tuesdays 4:45 pm - 5:15 pm Starting January 19.
Beginner/Intermediate Spin - Doris Ward - Wednesdays 12:05 pm - 12:50 pm Starting January 20
Yin Yoga - Derrick Biso - Thursdays 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Started January 14
6-week programs - Members $51 + hst. Non-members $60 + hst per program. Registration for Specialty Fitness Classes is required. Please register with payment at Panther Central, UPEI Sports Centre. For more visit
The Institute of Island Studies, in collaboration with the Vinland Society, will present an evening called "So you want to go to Iceland…" on Tuesday, January 19. The event takes place in the Faculty Lounge in SDU Main Building, 7-9 pm.
“So you want to go to Iceland…" is a guide for both the never-been-there-yet set, and for experienced travellers looking for new ways to scratch their Iceland itch. The program includes Icelandic basics, a sample itinerary, a chance to question veteran Icelandic trippers, and a showcase of Iceland photos, submitted by the public. Send up to eight of your best shots to Don't be shy! There’ll be an opportunity for informal discussion and travel-tip-sharing during the intermission and afterward.
Admission is free and donations are welcome.
This is the first in a series of an Island Studies Winter/Spring Lecture Series. Watch for details for another lecture about islands–near and far–February 23!
For more information, please contact Laurie at or (902) 894-2881.
The current dynamics of population change in Prince Edward Island will be the subject of an Institute of Island Studies Public Symposium at MacKinnon Lecture Theatre, Don and Marion McDougall Hall, Thursday, January 21, 7‒9 pm (Storm date is January 22).
Population change has always been at the core of the development of small islands–and it is no different on Prince Edward Island. Every day the public media deliver news about some aspect of population: youth outmigration, rural depopulation, an aging workforce, temporary foreign workers, refugees, wealthy immigrant investors…. This Symposium provides an opportunity for the public to hear about and contribute to the debate on several of the salient population issues that are crucial to the future of Prince Edward Island.
Featured speakers include Dr. Jim Randall, geographer and Chair of the Institute of Island Studies and Co-ordinator of the Master of Arts in Island Studies; Katie Mazer, PhD Candidate at University of Toronto, who is researching the movement of workers between the Maritimes and natural resource industries “out west”; and Tony Wallbank, retired business owner and draft-horse enthusiast who has spearheaded the upcoming migration of two communities of Amish farmers from southern Ontario to eastern Prince Edward Island this spring.
Included is time for discussion and questions from the floor.
Everyone is invited and admission is free. This event is sponsored by UPEI’s Institute of Island Studies, in conjunction with UPEI Research Services.
For further information, contact Laurie at or 902-894-2881.
Are you 18-25 years old? Have you used tobacco products within the last 30 days?
If so, the PEI Tobacco Reduction Alliance (PETRA) wants to hear from you! PETRA invites you to participate in a FOCUS GROUP on Friday, January 22, 2016, from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm on the UPEI campus.
PETRA is looking for insights and opinions from youth and young adults around the promotion of online and electronic tobacco cessation resources. All focus group participants will receive a complimentary lunch and a gift card.
Pre-registration is required. To register and/or learn more information, please contact Tammy Gallant (PETRA Coordinator) at or call 902-394-2144.
One focus area of Project Beacon, UPEI's cross-campus transformational initiative, is to enhance the room booking process, making it easier to book and manage spaces on campus. The Room Booking Team has now completed the first phase of this endeavour which facilitates the completion of the next phase in Spring 2017.
We invite members of the campus community to an Information Session to learn about this first phase and introduce a new web page for booking meeting space and athletics facilities, and requesting classroom changes. Anyone who submits room booking requests is encouraged to attend!
Room Booking Information Session
Thursday, January 21 from 2:00 - 3:00 pm
AVC Lecture Theatre A
Thank you,
Project Beacon Room Booking Team
Yoga Nidra - Rebecca Gass - Mondays 4:30 pm - 5:15 pm - Started January 11
Introduction to Yoga - Lyndsey Paynter - Mondays 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm - Starting January 25
Cycle Core - Bernadette Peters - Tuesdays 4:45 pm - 5:15 pm - Starting January 19.
Beginner/Intermediate Spin - Doris Ward - Wednesdays 12:05 pm - 12:50 pm - Starting January 20
Yin Yoga - Derrick Biso - Thursdays 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm - Started January 14
6-week programs - Members $51 + hst. Non-members $60 + hst per program.
Registration for Specialty Fitness Classes is required. Please register with payment at Panther Central, UPEI Sports Centre. For more visit
Email address:
Are you a knitter or curious about knitting? Join Library staff and the Yarn and Soul group in the Pit as they host their first winter "Pitnic" event on Thursday January 14 from 6:30-8:30. UPEI students, staff, faculty and the wider community are welcome. Bring a project you are working on or we'll have supplies on hand for those wanting to learn.
When: Thursday January 14 from 6:30-8:30
Where: The Pit in the Robertson Library
What: Knitting, coffee/tea, cookies, door prizes
More Information: Contact Donald Moses -