Campus Notices

The International Relations Office will be hosting 3 different student groups from Japan and Korea for a summer language camp program from July 28 to August 29. This is an important recruitment initiative for the university; we encourage anyone in the campus community to drop by the IRO to welcome the students during their stay. The students, ages 15-17 years old and ages 18-24 years old, are excited to come to PEI and study English at the university. The high school students are from an Anglican girls school in Japan; the university students are from Tsukuba University in Japan and Dankook University in Korea. Students will have language classes in the morning and participate in fun cultural activities in the afternoons. Anyone interested in becoming a language partner is welcome to volunteer. Please contact Mary Ellen O’Brien at the International Relations Office at 566-0576 for more information on how you can volunteer with this extraordinary group of students.
The University of Prince Edward Island invites members of the campus community to a private pre-screening of a new documentary, "Code Kids", from 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm on Monday, July 21 in the Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium (MCDH 242) at Don and Marion McDougall Hall on the UPEI campus. Filmed in the Maritimes, Finland, and Estonia, this Hemmings House production is due to be broadcast by the CBC on Saturday, July 26 at 8:00 pm. Code Kids explores a global movement to bring back teaching kids coding, or computer programming, to schools and the positive impact this could have for K-12 education and our Maritime economy. Please join us for this private pre-screening and the ensuing discussion. For a preview of the Code Kids documentary, please visit Contact: Alexander (Sandy) McAuley
The International Relations Office will be hosting 3 different student groups from Japan and Korea for a summer language camp program from July 28 to August 29. This is an important recruitment initiative for the university; we encourage anyone in the campus community to drop by the IRO to welcome the students during their stay. The students, ages 15-17 years old and ages 18-24 years old, are excited to come to PEI and study English at the university. The high school students are from an Anglican girls school in Japan; the university students are from Tsukuba University in Japan and Dankook University in Korea. Students will have language classes in the morning and participate in fun cultural activities in the afternoons. Anyone interested in becoming a language partner is welcome to volunteer. Please contact Mary Ellen O’Brien at the International Relations Office at 566-0576 for more information on how you can volunteer with this extraordinary group of students.
The University of Prince Edward Island invites members of the campus community to a private pre-screening of a new documentary, "Code Kids", from 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm on Monday, July 21 in the Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium (MCDH 242) at Don and Marion McDougall Hall on the UPEI campus. Filmed in the Maritimes, Finland, and Estonia, this Hemmings House production is due to be broadcast by the CBC on Saturday, July 26 at 8:00 pm. Code Kids explores a global movement to bring back teaching kids coding, or computer programming, to schools and the positive impact this could have for K-12 education and our Maritime economy. Please join us for this private pre-screening and the ensuing discussion. For a preview of the Code Kids documentary, please visit Contact: Alexander (Sandy) McAuley

The UPEI Student Union will be closed on Friday July 18th and reopening on Monday July 21st at 9am.
The UPEI Student Union will be closed on Friday July 18th and reopening on Monday July 21st at 9am.

The Department of Applied Human Sciences invites you to attend two public presentations by Dr. Joan Muriithi and Dr. Jane Kieru, visiting scholars from the Department of Community Resource Management and Extension at Kenyatta University in Nairobi, Kenya. Both talks will be held in HSB 301 on July 24 with a break for refreshment in between. Dr. Joan Muriithi - "Coping strategies adopted by women survivors of Intimate Partner Violence in shelter homes in Kenya" at 9:30 am. Dr. Jane Kieru - "Predictors of Self-efficacy in HIV Prevention among People Living with HIV and AIDS in Kiambu County, Kenya" at 11:00 am. For more information, please contact Kate Graham
The Concussion Injury Research and Evaluation Clinic is looking for participants between the ages of 9 and 25 who are physically active and/or involved in organized sport to participate in research that investigates concussion and return-to-play. Study participants must be available for two (2) hour-long testing appointments spaced at least two weeks apart. Visit for more information. Email for inquiries or to schedule an appointment.
You're invited to submit stories, announcements, or departmental updates to UPEI's newsletter, the Campus Connector. The submission deadline for the next edition is Monday, July 21 by 5:00 pm. Submissions must follow these guidelines: -be emailed to Sheila Kerry at -sent in a Microsoft Word or plain text document -be no longer than 250 words -maximum one photo per story The editors reserve the right to edit content, will not consider incomplete submissions, and cannot guarantee that all submitted materials will be published. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Not receiving the Campus Connector? To subscribe, please email to get your email address on the list!
The Concussion Injury Research and Evaluation Clinic is looking for participants between the ages of 9 and 25 who are physically active and/or involved in organized sport to participate in research that investigates concussion and return-to-play. Study participants must be available for two (2) hour-long testing appointments spaced at least two weeks apart. Visit for more information. Email for inquiries or to schedule an appointment.
You're invited to submit stories, announcements, or departmental updates to UPEI's newsletter, the Campus Connector. The submission deadline for the next edition is Monday, July 21 by 5:00 pm. Submissions must follow these guidelines: -be emailed to Sheila Kerry at -sent in a Microsoft Word or plain text document -be no longer than 250 words -maximum one photo per story The editors reserve the right to edit content, will not consider incomplete submissions, and cannot guarantee that all submitted materials will be published. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Not receiving the Campus Connector? To subscribe, please email to get your email address on the list!
The Department of Applied Human Sciences invites you to attend two public presentations by Dr. Joan Muriithi and Dr. Jane Kieru, visiting scholars from the Department of Community Resource Management and Extension at Kenyatta University in Nairobi, Kenya. Both talks will be held in HSB 301 on July 24 with a break for refreshment in between. Dr. Joan Muriithi - "Coping strategies adopted by women survivors of Intimate Partner Violence in shelter homes in Kenya" at 9:30 am. Dr. Jane Kieru - "Predictors of Self-efficacy in HIV Prevention among People Living with HIV and AIDS in Kiambu County, Kenya" at 11:00 am. For more information, please contact Kate Graham

Dr. Shannon Murray and Dr. Neb Kujundzic are both candidates for the position of Dean of the Faculty of Arts and will present on July 16 and July 17. Dr. Murray is currently a faculty member in the Department of English. On Wednesday, July 16 at 2:30 pm, Dr. Murray will make a public presentation in the Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium (Room 242), McDougall Hall. All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend. The topic of her talk will be "Challenges and opportunities facing the Faculty of Arts in the next five years." Dr. Kujundzic is currently a faculty member in the Department of Philosophy and Interim Dean in the Faculty of Arts. On Thursday, July 17 at 2:30 pm, Dr. Kujundzic will make a public presentation in the Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium (Room 242), McDougall Hall. All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend. The topic of his talk will be "Challenges and opportunities facing the Faculty of Arts in the next five years."
Dr. Shannon Murray and Dr. Neb Kujundzic are both candidates for the position of Dean of the Faculty of Arts and will present on July 16 and July 17. Dr. Murray is currently a faculty member in the Department of English. On Wednesday, July 16 at 2:30 pm, Dr. Murray will make a public presentation in the Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium (Room 242), McDougall Hall. All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend. The topic of her talk will be "Challenges and opportunities facing the Faculty of Arts in the next five years." Dr. Kujundzic is currently a faculty member in the Department of Philosophy and Interim Dean in the Faculty of Arts. On Thursday, July 17 at 2:30 pm, Dr. Kujundzic will make a public presentation in the Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium (Room 242), McDougall Hall. All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend. The topic of his talk will be "Challenges and opportunities facing the Faculty of Arts in the next five years."

The UPEI community is asked to be aware of mulch fires on campus during the summertime, when weather is especially dry and warm. Although small mulch fires are easily extinguished if noticed, an unchecked fire can spread rapidly to shrubbery and structures, endangering campus buildings, and more importantly, people. We ask that you please take care and be cautious when discarding cigarettes. Please use the proper fire-proof receptacles located on campus to dispose of cigarettes as this will help to reduce mulch fires on campus grounds. If you notice a mulch fire, please contact UPEI Security immediately at 566-0384. Thank you for your cooperation, UPEI Facilities Management
The deadline for Animal Care Protocol Submissions -- new, renewal, or amendments -- is Friday, August 1 for the August meeting. Ensure you always download the current forms from and use the most current Adobe Reader to complete forms. Only current forms will be accepted. Both the signed hard copy and electronic protocol submission must be submitted by the deadline date. ∙ Submit one copy of original protocol with signature to AVC - Annex, Biomedical Sciences Dept., Rm 2302. ∙ Submit an electronic copy to Those protocols received after the deadline will be reviewed the following month. For more information, please contact Sherri Pineau at 566-0973.
The next deadline for submitting Biosafety Protocols including new applications, renewals and/or amendments, is Friday July 25. These protocols will be reviewed at the August meeting. Please ensure that you download and use the current forms from Use Adobe Reader to complete the forms. Submit one copy of the original protocol with signatures to 200 Kelley Memorial Building and send one e-copy to Please note that protocols received after this deadline will be reviewed the following month. For more information, please contact Joy Knight at 620-5104.
Ethics protocols involving ‘more than minimum risk’: The full UPEI Research Ethics Board must review ethics protocols that involve more than minimal risk. The next deadline for submitting these protocols is Friday August 1. They will be reviewed at the August meeting. Protocols involving more than minimal risk that are received after August 1 will be reviewed in September. Ethics protocols that do not involve more than minimum risk: Other ethics submissions, including new applications, renewals, and amendments, that do not involve more than minimal risk, may be submitted at any time. They will be sent for delegated review as soon as all of the necessary forms are received. Please ensure that you download and use the current forms from Use Adobe Reader to complete forms. Submit one copy of the signed, original protocol and associated documents to 200 Kelley Memorial Building and send one e-copy of all documents to For more information, please contact Joy Knight at 620-5104.
With the adoption of the UPEI Strategic Plan 2013-2018 earlier this year, the University is poised to become a leader in offering experiential learning opportunities. UPEI has looked at a variety of ways to best support students in seizing these opportunities and has decided to group several existing functions under a centralized office. Vice-President Academic Christian Lacroix is excited to announce that the Centre for Life-Long Learning is expanding to take on these additional functions, and effective immediately, will be known as the Office of Skills Development and Learning. In addition to maintaining offerings for adult learners, professional development programs, the Explore program, and e-learning services, the new Office of Skills Development and Learning will incorporate Career Services, previously housed at Student Affairs, and centralize the administration of Co-operative Education programs (currently offered in the School of Business and Faculty of Science). The Office expects to announce several further initiatives this fall. For more information, contact the Director Pat MacAulay, Office of Skills Development and Learning at
The UPEI community is asked to be aware of mulch fires on campus during the summertime, when weather is especially dry and warm. Although small mulch fires are easily extinguished if noticed, an unchecked fire can spread rapidly to shrubbery and structures, endangering campus buildings, and more importantly, people. We ask that you please take care and be cautious when discarding cigarettes. Please use the proper fire-proof receptacles located on campus to dispose of cigarettes as this will help to reduce mulch fires on campus grounds. If you notice a mulch fire, please contact UPEI Security immediately at 566-0384. Thank you for your cooperation, UPEI Facilities Management