Campus Notices

You're invited to submit stories, announcements, or departmental updates to UPEI's newsletter, the Campus Connector. The submission deadline for the next edition is today, Monday, April 14 by 5:00 pm. Submissions must follow these guidelines: -be emailed to Sheila Kerry at -sent in a Microsoft Word or plain text document -be no longer than 250 words -maximum one photo per story The editors reserve the right to edit content, will not consider incomplete submissions, and cannot guarantee that all submitted materials will be published. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Not receiving the Campus Connector? To subscribe, please email to get your email address on the list!
The Faculty Development Office in conjunction with the VPA is pleased to provide you with more details on Ken Steele's visit to our campus on May 1. You are all invited to attend a presentation on Innovations in Teaching and Learning. This special seminar, "Back to the Future : What's Really New in Teaching and Learning" will be followed by a workshop focusing on the same topic during the afternoon. If you are interested in the workshop portion of the event, you will need to RSVP as soon as possible ( or 620-5217). All registered workshop participants will be invited to lunch at the Wanda Wyatt cafeteria to kick off the afternoon session. Tentative schedule: Innovations in Teaching and Learning 10:30 am-Noon : Public presentation - open to all (McDougall Hall 242) Noon-1 pm : lunch for workshop participants - RSVP (Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall) 1-3:30 pm : workshop - RSVP (McDougall Hall 328 and 329). "Ken Steele has become Canada’s most sought-after campus presenter because he continually synthesizes breaking news, research, data and trends, and delivers ever-changing, fast-paced, dynamic presentations incorporating rich media, great humour, and insights specific to the audience and institution. Ken engages a broad range of campus stakeholders with his unique and comprehensive perspective on higher education – as former academic, entrepreneur, co-founder of Academica Group, editor of Canada’s leading PSE news daily, and consultant to a hundred institutions across the country". Visit:
The Curriculum Planning Committee (CPC) meeting will now be held on Thursday, April 17 from 1-2:30 pm in McDougall Hall, Room 242. UPEI students, faculty, and staff are invited to participate in town hall meetings on academic planning hosted by the CPC. The meetings will focus on the draft program evaluation instrument, guiding principles and proposed planning process developed by the CPC. We need to hear your ideas on the best path for UPEI to achieve a well structured academic plan. Please note: The April 15 meeting has been rescheduled to Thursday, April 17 as listed above.
Central Printing's office will be closed for part of the morning on Tuesday, April 15. The office will open at around 10:30 am. Thank you.
The Curriculum Planning Committee (CPC) meeting will now be held on Thursday, April 17 from 1-2:30 pm in McDougall Hall, Room 242. UPEI students, faculty, and staff are invited to participate in town hall meetings on academic planning hosted by the CPC. The meetings will focus on the draft program evaluation instrument, guiding principles and proposed planning process developed by the CPC. We need to hear your ideas on the best path for UPEI to achieve a well structured academic plan. Please note: The April 15 meeting has been rescheduled to Thursday, April 17 as listed above.
Central Printing's office will be closed for part of the morning on Tuesday, April 15. The office will open at around 10:30 am. Thank you.
The deadline for Animal Care Protocol Submissions -- new, renewal, or amendments -- is Friday, May 2 for the May meeting. Ensure you always download the current forms from and use the most current Adobe Reader to complete forms. Only current forms will be accepted. Both the signed hard copy and electronic protocol submission must be submitted by the deadline date. ∙ Submit one copy of original protocol with signature to AVC - Annex, Biomedical Sciences Dept., Rm 2302. ∙ Submit an electronic copy to Those protocols received after the deadline will be reviewed the following month. For more information, please contact Sherri Pineau at 566-0973.
You're invited to submit stories, announcements, or departmental updates to UPEI's newsletter, the Campus Connector. The submission deadline for the next edition is today, Monday, April 14 by 5:00 pm. Submissions must follow these guidelines: -be emailed to Sheila Kerry at -sent in a Microsoft Word or plain text document -be no longer than 250 words -maximum one photo per story The editors reserve the right to edit content, will not consider incomplete submissions, and cannot guarantee that all submitted materials will be published. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Not receiving the Campus Connector? To subscribe, please email to get your email address on the list!
The Faculty Development Office in conjunction with the VPA is pleased to provide you with more details on Ken Steele's visit to our campus on May 1. You are all invited to attend a presentation on Innovations in Teaching and Learning. This special seminar, "Back to the Future : What's Really New in Teaching and Learning" will be followed by a workshop focusing on the same topic during the afternoon. If you are interested in the workshop portion of the event, you will need to RSVP as soon as possible ( or 620-5217). All registered workshop participants will be invited to lunch at the Wanda Wyatt cafeteria to kick off the afternoon session. Tentative schedule: Innovations in Teaching and Learning 10:30 am-Noon : Public presentation - open to all (McDougall Hall 242) Noon-1 pm : lunch for workshop participants - RSVP (Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall) 1-3:30 pm : workshop - RSVP (McDougall Hall 328 and 329). "Ken Steele has become Canada’s most sought-after campus presenter because he continually synthesizes breaking news, research, data and trends, and delivers ever-changing, fast-paced, dynamic presentations incorporating rich media, great humour, and insights specific to the audience and institution. Ken engages a broad range of campus stakeholders with his unique and comprehensive perspective on higher education – as former academic, entrepreneur, co-founder of Academica Group, editor of Canada’s leading PSE news daily, and consultant to a hundred institutions across the country". Visit:
Emergency First Aid and CPR Training will take place on Thursday, May 22 from 9:00 am-3:30 pm in AVC 286A North. The training is covered by the Health and Safety Budget. Space is limited so please sign up early. If you would like to attend the training session, please pre-register by contacting Debbie McKie at
Nominations are being accepted for the fifth annual UPEI Safety Champion of the Year Award. Please review the eligibility criteria at This award is open to UPEI faculty, staff, and students. The deadline for nominations is Monday, April 28. This initiative is a part of UPEI's 2014 North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week activities.
Krishna Raghavan will present his Master of Arts - Island Studies thesis defence on Tuesday, April 22 at 12:30 pm in Rm. 409 Dalton Hall. The thesis title is: "Evaluating Renewable Energy Options for Small Islands using Emergy Methodology: Case Study of Coconut Biodiesel in the Fiji Islands." Since space is limited in this room, if you wish to attend, please contact Dr. Jim Randall, Coordinator of the MA Island Studies program, at 620-5013 or

Dr. Daniel Elad from Kimron Veterinary Institute in Israel is giving a seminar Thursday, April 17 in AVC-A, at 9:30 am, titled "Challenges Facing the Israeli Veterinary Services and Highlights of Some Animal Infectious Diseases in Israel." Dr. Elad is Head of the Division of Bacteriology and Mycological Laboratory at Kimron Veterinary Institute. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please note the time change from our previous announcement.
Dr. Daniel Elad from Kimron Veterinary Institute in Israel is giving a seminar Thursday, April 17 in AVC-A, at 9:30 am, titled "Challenges Facing the Israeli Veterinary Services and Highlights of Some Animal Infectious Diseases in Israel." Dr. Elad is Head of the Division of Bacteriology and Mycological Laboratory at Kimron Veterinary Institute. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please note the time change from our previous announcement.

As part of our ongoing tree pruning, maintenance and inspection program, we have detected Dutch Elm disease in two elm trees on campus, one of these elm trees are located in the Main Quad on the south side of Steel Building and the other is on the east side of Dalton Hall. Unfortunately, these trees have to be removed and properly disposed of immediately to help avoid the spread of this disease to other elm trees. This removal was scheduled to take place on Saturday, and Sunday, April 5-6. Unfortunately the Aborist was not able to complete the work on those dates, therefore the removal will take place on Saturday and Sunday, April 26-27. Each tree removed will be replaced in the spring of 2014 with Princeton Elm trees in their existing locations. Princeton Elms were developed by Princeton Nurseries in 1922 in Princeton NJ. That's about 10 years before DED was even noticed in other trees! It has proved it can withstand DED. Even if it gets DED it doesn't necessarily mean the tree will die from it. It has all of the same growth characteristics as American Elm. It is actually a variety of American Elm. While the contractors have been instructed that the work be executed with the least possible interference or disturbance to the campus community, a certain amount of disruption is inevitable. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jackie MacPhail at 6034 or
You're invited to submit stories, announcements, or departmental updates to UPEI's newsletter, the Campus Connector. The submission deadline for the next edition is Monday, March 31 by 5:00 pm. Submissions must follow these guidelines: -be emailed to Sheila Kerry at -sent in a Microsoft Word or plain text document -be no longer than 250 words -maximum one photo per story The editors reserve the right to edit content, will not consider incomplete submissions, and cannot guarantee that all submitted materials will be published. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Not receiving the Campus Connector? To subscribe, please email to get your email address on the list!
Jessica Hawkins, Department of Biomedical Sciences will present a seminar called "Modulation of alpha-7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor function in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures" on Tuesday, April 15 at 3:30 pm in AVC Lecture Theatre C. Everyone is welcome.
As part of our ongoing tree pruning, maintenance and inspection program, we have detected Dutch Elm disease in two elm trees on campus, one of these elm trees are located in the Main Quad on the south side of Steel Building and the other is on the east side of Dalton Hall. Unfortunately, these trees have to be removed and properly disposed of immediately to help avoid the spread of this disease to other elm trees. This removal was scheduled to take place on Saturday, and Sunday, April 5-6. Unfortunately the Aborist was not able to complete the work on those dates, therefore the removal will take place on Saturday and Sunday, April 26-27. Each tree removed will be replaced in the spring of 2014 with Princeton Elm trees in their existing locations. Princeton Elms were developed by Princeton Nurseries in 1922 in Princeton NJ. That's about 10 years before DED was even noticed in other trees! It has proved it can withstand DED. Even if it gets DED it doesn't necessarily mean the tree will die from it. It has all of the same growth characteristics as American Elm. It is actually a variety of American Elm. While the contractors have been instructed that the work be executed with the least possible interference or disturbance to the campus community, a certain amount of disruption is inevitable. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jackie MacPhail at 6034 or
You're invited to submit stories, announcements, or departmental updates to UPEI's newsletter, the Campus Connector. The submission deadline for the next edition is Monday, March 31 by 5:00 pm. Submissions must follow these guidelines: -be emailed to Sheila Kerry at -sent in a Microsoft Word or plain text document -be no longer than 250 words -maximum one photo per story The editors reserve the right to edit content, will not consider incomplete submissions, and cannot guarantee that all submitted materials will be published. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Not receiving the Campus Connector? To subscribe, please email to get your email address on the list!
Jessica Hawkins, Department of Biomedical Sciences will present a seminar called "Modulation of alpha-7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor function in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures" on Tuesday, April 15 at 3:30 pm in AVC Lecture Theatre C. Everyone is welcome.