Events Archive

The Men's Rugby team take the field at 2:00 pm against St. Thomas. For more info, visit
The UPEI Music Department Recital Series 2018-2019 and The Canadian Federation of Music Teachers' Association are delighted to present the Atlantic Young Artist Concert featuring Andrew Son, piano on Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 7:30 PM in the Dr. Steel Recital Hall. Admission: Adults $20/Students…
The Men's Hockey team take the ice at 7:00 pm against the UNB Fredericton Varsity Reds. For more info, visit
The Women's Rugby team take the field at 2:00 pm against the Saint Mary's Huskies. For more info, visit
Members of the UPEI community are welcome to attend the release of two juvenile eagles by the Atlantic Veterinary College’s Wildlife Service on Saturday, October 13, at 2 p.m., at the Macphail Woods Ecological Forestry Project in Orwell, P.E.I. Prior to the release, there will be a Mi’kmaq smudging…
The Women's Hockey team take the ice for their home opener at 7:00 pm against St. Thomas. For more info, visit
The monthly meeting of the UPEI & Friends Neuroscience Journal Club will be held on Friday October 12, 2018 from 3-4 pm in the "fishbowl" of the Duffy Research Centre (NRC). All neuroscience research students as well as faculty, scientists and staff with an interest in neuroscience topics…
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites the UPEI community to Jesse Hitchcock's MSc defense entitled "Eelgrass (Zostera marina) responses to natural and anthropogenic gradients in estuaries of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Canada)." Everyone is welcome.  
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites the UPEI community to the next seminar of the Environmental Sciences/Human Biology Series: Dr Chistian Lacroix (Department of Biology) will be presenting a talk entitled "A journey to the mind of a journal editor".
Please join us for the second Theology on Tap of 2018-19, sponsored by the Saint Dunstan's Institute for Christianity and Culture. Thursday October 11, at the Pourhouse, 189 Great George Street, 7:00 pm.
Please plan to join us next week for a panel discussion entitled Finding the Right Blend: Stories and Advice about Combining Face-to-Face and Online Learning Modalities Blended learning combines online and in-person learning practices. However, with all the learning tech advances, it can be…
The Men's Hockey team take the ice at 7:00 pm against the Université de Moncton. For more info, visit
Join us for the first PEI History of Medicine Society talk of 2018-19. Dr. Jock Murray will speak about his discoveries while writing his recently published book that charts the history of the Dalhousie Medical School. The stories of medical education at Dalhousie will cover the remarkable…
The Ocean Frontier Institute’s mandate includes knowledge mobilization and as part of that effort, we’re hosting a conference. Our inaugural event — called “Ocean Frontier 2018: North Atlantic Opportunities” — will be held Oct. 9-12, in St. John’s, NL.  The conference will examine the ocean…
The Women's Rugby team take the field at 2:00 pm against the Acadia Axewomen. For more info, visit
The Department of Music Recital Series 2018-2019 is pleased to present Two and a Half Sopranos featuring Rebecca Apps, soprano; Sung Ha Shin-Bouey, soprano; Hannah O'Donnell, mezzo soprano in collaboration with Paul Rodermond and Frances Gray, piano. The concert will take place at…
The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering is sponsoring a workshop on “Creating a Gender Inclusive Workplace”, in partnership with the PEI Interministrial Women’s Secretariat, Engineers PEI, and the WinSETT Centre on Thursday, October 4, from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM.  Registration is OPEN now…
nterested in Indigenous Cultures? UPEI's Master in Global Affairs will be hosting a presentation by Wise Elder Doña Sonia Catepillán Guinao (Chile). We invite all interested students and the community to attend the Skype presentation during which Doña Sonia will share her experience growing up as…
All are welcomed to attend this week's FSDE Graduate research seminar on Wednesday, October 3 at 12:00pm in FSDE 212. This week's presenters are: Jordan Torrealba – MSc Student with his title, "A Novel Battery Management System for Lithium-based battery Technologies." and Patrick Connolly – MSc…
Anyone interested in finding out information about UPEI's JV Hockey program that plays in the Island Women's Hockey League please attend.