Events Archive

UPEI alumnus Dr. Greg Fleming will talk about his work as a veterinarian with Disney’s Animal Kingdom on Tuesday, February 9, at 7:30 p.m., at UPEI. The second in the UPEI Student Union’s new inspiring alumni speakers series, Fleming’s presentation will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the Alex H.…
Forgiveness and revenge. Each of us has, in the past, had to choose between one or the other. Choose forgiveness, and we face the possibility of appearing weak. Seek revenge, and we come across as mean and spiteful. UPEI social psychology professor Stacy MacKinnon will talk about forgiveness and…
End of the Rainbow explores the human dimensions of industrial gold mining in two remote locations. As the mine's structures and equipment are dismantled in Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo, then transported and reconstructed to begin gold processing in Guinea, West Africa, what unfolds is an elegiac…
Presented by the UPEI Centre for Education Research. Three professors share their current research and lead a discussion on the challenges and rewards of conducting research internationally. Speakers: Dr. Tim Goddard, Dr. Linyuan Guo, and Dr. Cindy Hanson.
The 2010 UPEI Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life is drawing near! Many thanks to those of you who have signed up as donors, volunteers and teams! For those of you who haven't had the chance to donate or participate yet, it's not too late! How to register... The Relay Committee will hold an on-…
A panel discussion lead by Prof. Jennifer Taylor (Family and Nutritional Sciences). Guests include: Roy Van Der Maar, Nancy Clement and Reg Phalen. Lunch will be soups and breads catered by Eat Well. Tickets are $7 at the door.
Discussion facilitated by Joe Velaidum and Mamdouh Elgharib, as well as a DVD presentation.
Applications are now being accepted for this summer's AVC Vet Camp. The only camp of it's kind in Canada, AVC Vet Camp provides an exciting and educational look into the world of veterinary medicine. Offering both Junior Camps for grades 7, 8, and 9, and Senior Camp for grades 10, 11, and 12…
Be a Locavore! You are invited to engage with the students from the UPEI Executive-style Master of Business Administration Program in exploring the topic of local food. This event will take place on Saturday, February 6, 2009 in the Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium, UPEI School of Business/McDougall…
Come out and support our Mens and Womens teams.
Test your skills and earn bragging rights at our Ball Hockey Tournament.
Friday, Feb 5, 12:30-1:20, Lecture Theatre C, AVC "Welfare assessments of working equines in India and discussion of causes of welfare issues" Cyril Roy "Survey of methods used for euthanasia in animal shelters in Canada" Niamh Caffrey "Correlates of behavioural anxiety and stress in wild male…
THINK PINK FRIDAY - SHOOT FOR THE CURE. Come out and support this great cause.
SPEAKER: Reginald Adiele, Biomedical Sciences TITLE: Understanding cadmium- and calcium-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in rainbow trout.
Come out and support our Mens Hockey team.
Dr. David Docherty, Senior Advisor on Multi-Campus Initiatives and former Dean of Arts, Wilfrid Laurier University. On campus February 2 and 3. Public Presentation on Tuesday, February 2, 11:30-12:30, in AVC Lecture Theatre B.
Speaker: Dr. Michel Vetterli, Simon Fraser University / TRIUMF Tuesday, February 2, 3:30 pm in the CMTC Presentation Lab in the basement of the Robertson Library. Abstract: With the recent startup of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva, there has been renewed interest in particle…
Come out and enjoy a day of 3-on-3 Basketball. Open invitation to both Men and Women.
Please join us as we celebrate Dennis Clough night.
Come out and support our Mens Hockey team as they take on the Axemen.