Advanced Policy Analyst Program Virtual Information Session

The Government of Canada’s Advanced Policy Analyst Program (APAP) is one of the federal government’s premier recruitment and leadership development programs, designed to develop economic and public policy analysts. APAP will be holding a series of virtual information sessions about the program for interested students and recent graduates across Canada.

Below is the Zoom information necessary to join the information session: 

Advanced Policy Analyst Program Virtual Information Session

The Government of Canada’s Advanced Policy Analyst Program (APAP) is one of the federal government’s premier recruitment and leadership development programs, designed to develop economic and public policy analysts. APAP will be holding a series of virtual information sessions about the program for interested students and recent graduates across Canada.

Below is the Zoom information necessary to join the information session: 

Personal Emergency Preparedness (PEP) Session

UPEI Health, Safety, and Environment is pleased to host an on-campus presentation where members of the PEI Emergency Measures Organization will deliver the most up-to-date information on personal emergency preparedness (PEP). Following the presentations, Bradley MacIsaac, UPEI’s Emergency Risk Manager, will share what the University is doing to prepare for different types of emergencies and moderate a question-and-answer feedback session.

Advanced Policy Analyst Program Virtual Information Session

The Government of Canada’s Advanced Policy Analyst Program (APAP) is one of the federal government’s premier recruitment and leadership development programs, designed to develop economic and public policy analysts. APAP will be holding a series of virtual information sessions about the program for interested students and recent graduates across Canada.

Below is the Zoom information necessary to join the information session: 

New mandatory course aims to increase awareness and prevention of sexual violence at UPEI

Starting this semester, all new University of Prince Edward Island students are required to complete a mandatory non-credit course, Preventing Sexual Violence at UPEI. While the course is a graduation requirement for students starting programs in the Fall of 2023, all other UPEI students are encouraged to complete it and earn a badge on a voluntary basis.

UPEI Recruitment Visits - South Shore, Nova Scotia High Schools - November 20–24

UPEI student recruiters and advisors will be visiting South Shore Nova Scotia high schools throughout the week of Monday, November 20 to Friday, November 24, 2023.

If you currently attend a high school in this region, speak with your school Guidance Counsellor to find out the time and date they will be visiting your school!