Residence and housing Q&A information session (virtual)

Join the staff from Residence Services, Off-Campus Housing, Homestay, and Recruitment and First Year Advisement for an important session about living on campus and in Charlottetown while attending the University of Prince Edward Island this fall!

Topic: Q&A session on housing

Time: May 1, 2023, 11:00 AM (AT)

Join the Zoom meeting at

UPEI Faculty of Medicine information session to take place May 4

The University of Prince Edward Island will host an information session for students interested in pursuing a career in medicine or learning more about the new Faculty of Medicine and joint Doctor of Medicine (MD) program at UPEI in partnership with Memorial University of Newfoundland. The session will take place on Thursday, May 4, 2023, from 6:00–7:00 pm in the Kelley Memorial Building, Room 211.

Teaching Matters! - Supporting change in teaching and learning cultures, communities, and practices

The UPEI Teaching and Learning Centre has organized a  special presentation by Dr. Natasha Kenny, director of the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary, on "Supporting Change in Teaching and Learning Cultures, Communities, and Practices." Colleagues from UPEI and other universities in the Atlantic region are invited to attend. Part of the Teaching Matters! series, this presentation will be a hyflex offering.

Message from the Vice-President Academic and Research: Student Impact Payments

The following message was emailed to UPEI students on April 25, 2023, on behalf of the Office of the Vice-President Academic and Research. 
Dear Students,
The University remains committed to crediting students with a student impact payment using the net savings that occurred from not paying faculty salaries during the recent strike.
The University has structured the disbursement of the funds as fairly and equitably as possible,