Introduction to Canadian Workplaces virtual session

Are you new to Canada? Have you not had a job before but are interested in finding work alongside your studies? Join our online session to learn the basics about work in Canada. We'll cover a bit about what you can expect and what will be expected of you in most local workplaces. 

Register on Eventbrite for this free virtual session for all UPEI students on Tuesday, September 6, 11:00 am--12:00 pm

COVID-19 Booster and Vaccine Clinic

The UPEI Health and Wellness Centre will provide COVID-19 Booster Clinics on September 14 and 15 in McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The clinics will provide first dose, second dose, and booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines to students, faculty, and staff, as well as family members who are 18 and older. First come, first served.

COVID-19 Booster and Vaccine Clinic

The UPEI Health and Wellness Centre will provide COVID-19 Booster Clinics on September 14 and 15 in McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The clinics will provide first dose, second dose, and booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines to students, faculty, and staff, as well as family members who are 18 and older. First come, first served.

Meet Chris Vessey, UPEI sessional and laboratory instructor

Chris Vessey is a Systems Administrator, Laboratory Instructor, and a Sessional Instructor in the School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences at UPEI. Older than dirt itself, he’s been around UPEI in a teaching capacity since 2000, but also had a stint from 1990 to1995 as a User Services Support Technician in what is now called ITSS. He has been a Project Manager, and a Wide Area Network Manager, in the provincial government’s Department of Education, bringing network servers and high-speed Internet to Island schools in the mid 1990s.

UPEI Recruitment Visits - Valley High Schools, Nova Scotia

Tuesday, September 20 to Friday, September 23, 2022

UPEI Recruiters and First-year Advisers will be visiting high schools throughout the Wolfville, Nova Scotia region throughout the week. Please speak with your guidance counsellor to see when UPEI will be visiting your high school!

Here are a list of schools we'll be visiting during the week of September 20–23, 2022: 

UPEI Recruitment Visits - Valley High Schools, Nova Scotia

Tuesday, September 20 to Friday, September 23, 2022

UPEI Recruiters and First-year Advisers will be visiting high schools throughout the Wolfville, Nova Scotia region throughout the week. Please speak with your guidance counsellor to see when UPEI will be visiting your high school!

Here are a list of schools we'll be visiting during the week of September 20–23, 2022: 

UPEI Recruitment Visits - Valley High Schools, Nova Scotia

Tuesday, September 20 to Friday, September 23, 2022

UPEI Recruiters and First-year Advisers will be visiting high schools throughout the Wolfville, Nova Scotia region throughout the week. Please speak with your guidance counsellor to see when UPEI will be visiting your high school!

Here are a list of schools we'll be visiting during the week of September 20–23, 2022: 

UPEI Recruitment Visits - Valley High Schools, Nova Scotia

Tuesday, September 20 to Friday, September 23, 2022

UPEI Recruiters and First-year Advisers will be visiting high schools throughout the Wolfville, Nova Scotia region throughout the week. Please speak with your guidance counsellor to see when UPEI will be visiting your high school!

Here are a list of schools we'll be visiting during the week of September 20–23, 2022: