Executive Functions: Tips for Student Success


Free for all UPEI students, staff, and faculty

1:00 - 2:30 pm (ADT)

Executive Functions are a set of mental skills that enable us to plan, focus attention, and achieve our goals. In post-secondary, we use our executive functions to focus during a lecture, take notes, complete assignments on time, study for tests and much more. In this session, Jaclyn Borden, Learning Strategist from the Accessibility Services team will introduce you to executive functions and will provide you with strategies to support your executive functioning.

UPEI student takes Top Female Runner in 2021 PEI Marathon

Congratulations to UPEI student Rachel Barich, Top Female Runner in the 2021 PEI Marathon! Rachel crossed the finish line in 2 hours 56 minutes and 55 seconds. Rachel is an experienced runner but had never run in a marathon before. She finished tenth overall, raising $1,300 in support of the Canadian Mental Health Association, PEI Division. She is a third-year student in the foods and nutrition program at UPEI with the goal of becoming a registered dietician.

UPEI is proud to be a sponsor of a conference in French on October 19 on Facebook Live

UPEI is a proud partner with the Université Sainte-Anne’s Canada Research Chair in Acadian and Francophone Studies (Chaire de recherche du Canada en études acadiennes et francophones), the Research Institute on Acadian and Francophone Culture in the Contemporary World (Institut de recherche sur les cultures acadiennes et francophones dans le monde contemporain), the Department of French Studies (Département d'études françaises), the Atlantic Consulat Général de France, the Halifax Alliance française, and Mount Allison University to present the conference, “Media and pol

UPEI faculty members awarded SSHRC Exchange Publication Awards

Dr. Linyuan Guo-Brennan and Dr. Josh MacFadyen, faculty members at the University of Prince Edward Island, have been awarded SSHRC Exchange Publication Awards. Two $5,000 awards are given out annually to support the publication of manuscripts written or edited by UPEI faculty in the social sciences and humanities. Both books will be published by Island Studies Press.

New book from Island Studies Press profiles PEI women veterans

Award-winning author Katherine Dewar is launching a new book about women veterans. We’ll Meet Again shares the incredible stories of women from Prince Edward Island who served in the Second World War, from fire-watching during bombing raids in blacked-out London to surviving the sinking of a transport ship in the Mediterranean. Published by Island Studies Press, the book will be launched on October 23 in Charlottetown and November 7 in Summerside.